A Good Restaurant Employee Handbook May Contain

How Make Food
Of course, we all know what a restaurant employee handbook must contain, but there are also many things that it may contain that are not necessarily total “musts.” That’s what this article is all about. Some restaurants have rules about what is to be served with what, especially various chains. The last is something that needs to be in every restaurant employee handbook, even if you do not offer the other things suggested in your handbook.

Each restaurant employee needs to know that they will be treated fairly and with the utmost regard for consistency. Interestingly enough few restaurant employee handbooks ask their employees for feedback. This is such a shame, as the employees are the first to receive praise from the customers, as well as dissatisfaction from any customers.

To not receive that kind of feedback is tantamount to asking for your particular restaurant to fail. One of my favorite inserts in a restaurant employee handbook offers a list of the competitors in the area, and employees are encouraged to write a quick report on them if they happen to go there.

This allows the restaurant owner to analyze the competition, as well as determine any of their deficiencies and finally to exploit them! All from their restaurant employee handbook! Jerome Chiaro is a Restaurant Owner & Consultant out of Orange County, CA. Don’t train your staff alone! He can help you spend LESS TIME and become MORE EFFECTIVE… Claim your copy of his Free Restaurant Employee Handbook. Success doesn’t happen alone! Join a mastermind of restaurant owners and a wealth of resources, at his Free Restaurant Forms Blog.

It’s a mistake that many expats make.9. With easy instalment plans and petrol being so cheap, walking into the 4x4 trap is not uncommon. But the amount you will end up paying in monthly instalments for a 4x4 compared to a regular car can work out to a difference of about Dh1,000.

And let’s be honest, you just need a set of wheels to get you around from point A to B.10. While getting a Salik tag is not very expensive and gives you the option of using Shaikh Zayed Road when necessary, you can avoid using it all the time. Shaikh Mohammad bin Zayed Road and Al Khail Road are as convenient and mostly free-flowing.11.

Food is a necessity, but there’s no need to splurge. People tend to buy too much food, stocking their fridge with food that eventually goes straight in the bin. Saving money on food is as easy as preparing your lunch at home, instead of buying lunch at work.12. If you have ended up buying too much food, don’t throw it away.

Improvise. Do what all the Nan’s in the world do… make a pickle. It’ll save you an expense on a day when you’re planning to have some friends over. You don’t have to rush out to Spinneys to buy some over-priced snacks. Slap some of that pickle on crackers and you’re sorted.13. Saving doesn’t mean not buying anything at all. When you do buy, go for quality over quantity. When you have a family, buy a quality couch that would stand the onslaughts of growing children.

Invest in a nice bed, because you’ll spend a third of your life on it. Buy quality because it actually helps you save money in the long term. It’s the same when buying a car; buy cheap and you’ll end up spending more on repairs and replacements. Even an occasional dinner at a nice place to mark a milestone in your savings plan can be helpful.

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