Aaron Carroll: It’s All Relative: Nutrition Myt..

How Make Food
Every woman I’ve ever had a relationship with has been healthier than me. And they’re always lecturing me. Even my 15 year old daughter. So I invited Aaron Carroll, pediatrician and the author of “The Bad Food Bible: How and Why to Eat Sinfully” on the podcast. I wanted to throw out every argument ever made about coffee, carbs, alcohol, MSG, BACON, antioxidants, the list goes on! Aaron can dismantle the rumors. And give you your control back (when it comes to health).

“There are people who make claims all the time about these kinds of things (food crazes, the latest media hyped diet, etc.), but there’s no conclusive links. The healthiest the human race has ever been! Aaron looks at ALL the scientific research. And figured out that someone is always misinterpreting the data. Half the studies are good and half are bad. So really, when it comes to your food it’s a sample size of one. If something makes you feel good, it’s probably good for you. If it makes you feel bad, it’s probably bad for you.

“This idea that somehow the food is poisoning us and we’re all in mortal danger is somewhat bizarre, we’re doing great,” Aaron said. And you know it’s funny because he’s right. We’re always looking for the latest craze that’s making us fatter, giving us cancer, or increasing our risk of heart disease or strokes.

You’d have to eat three EXTRA pieces of bacon a day and still your risk doesn’t go up that much. I think diet comes down to fear. We’re afraid of dying. Or having a heart attack or being ugly. And it turns out that all food has some inherent risk.

And it varies. We are not all created equal. What may work for you, is probably going to give me a stomach ache. And drinking two cups of coffee at 3 in the afternoon is going to make me more creative, but would maybe make you stay up all night. The answers lie within yourself. ONE: Limit processed foods as much as possible.

TWO: Exercise 30 minutes a day, even if it’s just a brisk walk - exercise is like a miracle drug. FIVE: Stop drinking your calories. SIX: Don’t deprive yourself. SEVEN: Salt is what makes food taste good. “The amount of salt that you’re adding at the table from the salt shaker is inconsequential almost compared to what’s already in your food. NINE: Focus on your needs vs.

TEN: You’ll gain weight if you eat too much of anything. But most of all, do what works for you. Because the best diet is one you can stick to. Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to “The James Altucher Show” and rate and review.

Further ahead in this blog, I will speak about my favorite pizza restaurants. Pizza Hut was founded by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in 1958 in their hometown Wichita, Kansas. A mere suggestion by a close acquaintance that eventually turned into a remarkable brand, that’s how Pizza Hut came to existence. Pizza Hut Inc. is now the largest pizza restaurant company in the world with more than 11,000 restaurants and pizza outlets in 90 nations across the globe. Pizza Hut India offers you a regionalized menu, while making sure the ever green options remain untouched.

Apart from the exotic series of pizzas, they also promote lot many mind-melting sides that go along perfectly with your pizza meals. Not to mention, they offer cool desserts as well. You may take a quick look at the Pizza Hut online menu here. It is the second largest franchised pizza chain in the world. They reign the Indian market along with Pizza Hut. Domino’s Pizzas have been much fancied by all age groups. The “30 minutes pizza delivery” campaign gained widespread popularity post which Domino’s pizza was at the tip of every youngster’s tongue.

Till date, Domino’s Pizza has maintained their unique series of pizzas. However, pizzas are not the only center of attraction at Domino’s. The sides offered by Domino’s are much loved and the “Choco-Lava Cake” has been much appreciated for it’s rich chocolate, one of a kind taste. Smokin Joe’s is an Indian pizza chain, reigning in metropolitan and cosmopolitan cities.

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