COMMON CARP FISHING BAIT – Powerful Bait Detection Secrets!

How Make Food
What about common carp, It does seem that if anyone had gotten their baits really right then many more of those ‘un-caught monsters in lakes etc would appear as if by magic instead of remaining un-caught for years. Apparently human adults can detect 30,000 smells and a child 10,000, which shows this chemoreception changes even with us.

Some ‘natural feeding common carp may literally have no need to develop a capacity to detect other smells or tastes other than the natural. According to its DNA programming it may only need to detect perhaps 500 natural tastes or smells to fully exploit its natural food resources. It seems logical then that they will not be at all aware that our angling baits are food wherever natural live food is not used is bait.

In the past, silk weed has been known to catch fish, why should this be a surprise, My personal results using live natural baits on a hook rig with conventional boilie baits gives a strong argument for using these natural baits as part of the approach to catch rarely caught fish.

The electromagnetic field given off by a bait may well cause response by changing the electromagnetic state of chemoreception and other cells which pass on this ‘signal directly to the brain possibly more by electromagnetism and not electrochemistry. I have personal experience of giving natural healing energy and studies have proven the ‘Reiki energy transfer actually changes DNA in positive ways, just as air pollution and water pollution does in negative ways in humans.

Common carp having different DNA to mirror carp can easily have different requirements or parameters of electromagnetic radiation which they are evolved to detect emitted from their natural food. In fact it is very frequent that rarely caught natural feeding commons are hooked on a lobworm, bunch of red worms or on maggots such as the legendary ‘Herman of Warmwell UK fame. Perhaps it's not just the amino acids given off or the movement of the bait which is detected with natural baits, but even more importantly, the living organism's electrical field emitted.

We are all 'batteries' as such, and have our own electromagnetic fields. Those closest to the physical body are the strongest, but there are other levels or layers like the layers of an onion which are far more subtle as we get further away from our bodies. One explanation of light, although it is far from being understood, is that it is electromagnetic radiation.

Now anyone who has had an 'aura photograph' taken will notice that the energy patterns surrounding you change colour, intensity and size according to your physical, mental and spiritual state at the moment the picture is taken. The Russians had for years been ahead of the rest of the world regarding this whole field and have extremely sensitive advanced technology for measuring these energies.

Similar energy is also emitted very strongly when a talented person is attempting telepathy or influencing movement of objects using their minds. In this case the most ancient part of the brain are used which is the least understood, although many gifted psychics have developed their ability following head trauma involving the right frontal lobe of the brain. The amazing abilities of sharks use of electromagnetism and dolphins use of sonic pulses in foods favourable detection demonstrate brains amazing evolution and even unknown potentials.

But why should fishs attraction to electromagnetism in the form of luminescent coloured or light emitting boilies, pellets and plastic baits (and even lures) surprise us, Well perhaps there is much more than merely detection involving the ‘curiosity factor. What about the particular link to the fact that certain natural fish food items emit bioluminescence including bacteria in the case of shellfish for example and even certain types of algae.

In more physical terms, many known and unknown substances given off by anglers touching baits may well be significant. Does this mean certain individuals have more suitable diets or body chemistry for enhancing their baits more than other people as part of the complex equation in their success, A major factor in fishing bait and fish farming food is its energy value after assimilation. Stress is indirectly one of the biggest killers of modern humans so diet and food purity and quality is very important to health and healthy energy levels.

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