How To Make And Store Jam

How Make Food
Taking the time and work to make your own preserves, as opposed to buying some that is already made in the store, will pay off in taste. You can even use produce that you have grown in your very own home garden. Jam can be made out of all different types of fruits, but berries, peaches, and plums are most commonly used. The easiest, and probably most popular, type of berry to use is the strawberry.

If you live in an area where they are plentiful and available from local farms, you can find fresh berries at the store or a community farmer's market. If you would rather be in charge of the growing and harvesting process and have them readily available whenever you want them, you can plant some in your garden. To get started, you should buy strawberry plants at a nursery or order them through a catalogue or online.

Make sure that they are one-hundred percent disease free. This type of plant is prone to getting viruses, and if you plant them, they will rapidly die and, most likely, kill all of the other plants in your garden. Plant them in early spring, if you live in a cooler climate, or in fall for those that live in a warm climate.

The plants will need full sun and an excellent drainage system, so plant them on a south-facing slope. Keep them at least twelve inches apart, dig the holes deep enough for the roots to be completely covered, and make the area five to seven inches wide. Give young plants at least one inch of water a week, and be sure to weed frequently.

To help your harvest to be plentiful and the seedlings to be strong, do not let them produce fruit the first year. You can do this by picking any blossoms that you see. When they do make fruit, pick the strawberries the day that they ripen, to avoid them going bad on the vine. When you have the fruit, be sure to remove the stems and hull them.

Clean them thoroughly, to remove dirt, bugs, fertilizer, and pesticides. Purchase at least eight sealable jars and one canning system. Wash all of the jars in the dishwasher, preferably on the disinfect cycle, and let them completely dry. Once you have done this, you should also boil them in a pot of hot water to completely remove any contaminants, and let them sit in the hot water until they are ready to be used. This will help the preserves to last longer and be storable without going bad or becoming contaminated.

Mush about six cups of strawberries and boil them in a big pot with pectin. Then, add the sugar. Once it has been sufficiently cooked, place the jam into the jars and seal them using the kit and with boiling water. If you do this process properly, you will be able to store the jam for a great deal of time without it going bad. You can also use your jars and canning kit to preserve all different types of fruits, vegetables, meats, and stews. Use extra time and supplies to can these items ahead of time for food storage.

If disaster strikes, you will be grateful that you have these items set aside to feed you and your family. Most fruits and vegetables will be very acidic, whereas stews and meats will not be. The process to can these items may be different than the process that is used when making preserves, so be sure to research or ask assistance on how to properly do so without contaminating anything.

If you do wish to create a food storage supply, you can also buy dry bulk items that have been dehydrated or freeze-dried and store them in buckets or bags in closets, cellars, basements, or a pantry. This will ensure that you will be ready and able to feed yourself and your family if you run into any type of natural disaster, power outage, drought, famine, terrorism, or economic issue.

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