How To Make Ice Scramble Or Iskrambol - Philippine Street Smoothie

How Make Food
Updated on September 28, 2012 kerlynb more Believe me, nothing beats slurping a cup of ice scramble or iskrambol in the Filipino language during searing Philippine afternoons. Iskrambol does the work! It is so chilly it can easily refresh your heavily sweating body. It perks up your dull spirits when you feel too hot to do anything. Not to mention, it is absolutely light on the pocket.

Neither pricey creams nor swanky chocolate bars needed! With a concoction of shaved ice, sugar, milk, and chocolate syrup then you are good to go. Of course, you can choose to be a little fancy by adding in vanilla or banana extracts, marshmallows, or fruits to your iskrambol. But you have to know that all these are optional. Filipinos love eating their iskrambol plain and perfect!

No chance to get to the Philippines, That’s not a problem at all. You can easily make the Philippine iskrambol in your kitchen with these two easy-to-follow recipes. In a bowl, add in evaporated milk, extracts, and sugar. Add in shaved ice. Mix thoroughly again. You may choose to use a blender for this step. Pour mixture into small-sized disposable plastic cups. Top the mixture with chocolate syrup, powdered milk and/or marshmallows. Place straws or disposable plastic teaspoons in cups. In a blender, pour in water and evaporated milk. Add in powdered chocolate and sugar. Blend until banana has broken into small tidbits. Pour mixture into disposable plastic cups. Top the mixture with powdered milk. Swirl it with chocolate syrup. Now you have your homemade Philippine iskrambol or ice scramble.

It would take a true friend to come back to your restaurant time and again if the food was not good. Along with the quality of the food is that it is consistent. One truth of restaurants is that you will not be able to please everyone with every dish.

If the majority of the people that try an item like it, then don’t change it. If you change your recipe every time a customer complains you will never have any consistency with your menu. Then when a customer that did like the item returns, they will be unhappy that the recipe changed, and they did not receive what they wanted.

Customers will go where they are treated well. It does not matter how good the food is if your customer service is bad. Your customers are coming to your restaurant for the dining experience, not just for good food. If their experience is not enjoyable, they will start looking for a restaurant that treats them with care and respect.

For your restaurant to be a success, you need to take the time to train your staff in how to treat your customers. Everyone from the greeter to the dishwasher needs to know and understand how to respond to any complaint or suggestion from a customer. While the customer may not always be right, they are the one who pay the bills. Without them, you have no business.

The next thing that will add to, or destroy, the customers experience is the cleanliness of your restaurant operation. For many customers, if there is anything that appears to be dirty or unsanitary, they will automatically assume that the entire operation is unsanitary. They will never know whether you serve the best food in town or not, because they will be so put off by cleanliness issues that they will never eat at your restaurant. Cleanliness and sanitation does not stop with the physical building. It extends to the hygiene of your staff.

Although it can be difficult to have personal cleanliness discussions with your staff, you need to make sure that they come to work clean, and wearing clean uniforms. While your customers will never see the administrative part of your business, they will see the results. If you fail to keep your costs under control you business will suffer.

When costs tart to escalate, there are things that some restaurant owners do that will have serious consequences to your business. The first step restaurant owners take is to reduce the size of the staff. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can have some negative results. If the staff gets too small to serve the customers adequately, you will have customer service issues. In order to avoid that the owner will need to start doing more work on top of the work they are already doing.

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