How To Make Stovies

How Make Food
Updated on November 26, 2015 Gordon N Hamilton moreGordon has been cooking and experimenting with food since childhood. He loves coming up with new and tasty culinary creations. Learning how to make stovies is not about learning and following a specific recipe. It is probably better to describe stovies as a concept, rather than a specific dish.

Stovies have been made in Scotland for centuries. They were originally very much a poor man's food, prepared from the leftovers passed along by the lords and masters. When the wealthy had been fed their beef or lamb, the fat which had dripped from same ("Dripping") and the stock would often be given to the servants in order to feed their own families.

The likelihood is therefore that the very first form of stovies consisted merely of dripping, stock and potatoes. If the masters were generous or the servants were merely lucky, on occasion some of the leftover meat would be provided, along with the dripping and stock. This meant that a far more nourishing and substantial meal could of course be made in the same fashion, simply by adding the meat to the dripping, stock and potatoes. 21 Bespoke Modern Scottish Recipes (21 Bespoke Recipes Series Book 4)Looking for authentic Scottish recipes more in keeping with the present times,

This fabulous new bargain e-book looks at a range of foodstuffs popular in Scotland today and some innovative new ways to prepare, cook and serve them. Every recipe comes with accompanying photograph(s) and they include Scottish Smoked Venison and Warm Peach Salad, Balmoral Turkey with Traditional Christmas Trimmings, Irn Bru and Macaroon Bar Mini Scottish Trifles and 18 more! Why not download your copy today and grab a taste of modern Scotland for your family,

I am well aware that the first question many may ask here is, "What are Lorne sausages," Lorne sausages are essentially a type of sausage peculiar to Scotland. They are very different from most other types of sausage in that the meat is not fed in to a sausage skin, nor are they even shaped as though it had been.

When Lorne sausage meat is prepared, the meat is compressed in to large blocks which are then sliced to form the individual sausages which are subsequently sold and cooked. This is why Lorne sausages are also often called sliced sausages or square sausages. There are no complicated ingredients in this version of stovies. The sausage pieces and the onion slices should then be arranged alternately on the bottom of the casserole dish and the herbs and seasoning added.

The potato slices should then be added as a top layer, before the hot stock is carefully poured over, the lid put on to the casserole dish and the dish placed in the oven for forty to forty-five minutes. How to serve Lorne sausage stovies - or indeed any form of stovies - is up to the individual. As the dish already includes meat, potato and vegetable, however, there is no real requirement to serve it with anything else.

It is perhaps best served simply by being spooned from the casserole dish on to a plate - and as I have done below, adding a little HP Sauce as final seasoning. I hope that this page has given you some greater understanding of the traditional Scottish dish that is stovies. If you have never tried preparing stovies, I hope you will now try them for yourself and let me know what you think in the space below.

How Do You Like Stovies Prepared, Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. At my son's traditional Scottish wedding reception stovies were served with beetroot late in the evening - to sustain the dancers! Glad you share my love of this method, Tricia. I make them them the same way.

Ah like ma stovies 'tatties' tae be mashed, the sausages fried afore an'en the dripping/oil an' the sausages mixed in thigither. Salt an' pepper tae taste. Use lottsa 'maggie ann' or butter if yurr rich, Tatties rerr an' creamy .. A Springburn Recipe fae Cowlairs Rd. I cook mine exactly as above and it is delicious! This is a tasty, inexpensive way to feed the family.

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