How To Make Vegetable Soup

How Make Food
This recipe is great for cold winter nights! A yummy lentil and vegetable soup. When making soups, I like to throw a lot of different vegetables in the pot but you can choose what you like to add according to your food choices. So here is the recipe, I even took the picture above after I cooked it, so you could check it out!

1. Prepare and cut up all the ingredients: cut the pumpkin and potatoes into chunk sized pieces, the carrots and zucchini sliced into circle pieces, the celery and onion or leek into small pieces and divide the spinach in half. 2. Brown the onion or leek in the pot. 3. Add the vegetable stock, lentils, potatoes, pumpkin, mixed herbs and bring to a boil. Let it boil for a few minutes or till the lentils and vegetables start to get soft.

4. Once lentils and vegetables are starting to soften, add the remaining vegetables, peas, carrots, celery, zucchini and add the tin of whole pealed tomato. If the mixture is very thick or there is not enough liquid like a soup, then add some water. 5. Cook on low to medium heat for 15 - 20 minutes or until all the vegetables are soft. 6. 5 minutes prior to serving add the spinach to the soup. The spinach needs to be added last because it takes only a few minutes to cook. 7. Serve in a soup bowl and add a garnish of dill.

They considered seeing a hummingbird very good luck and as a blessing from their gods. Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world. Do you know that hummingbirds are one of the smartest birds in the world. They remember each flower they visit and they know how long it will take the flower to refill with nectar so it can be fed from again.

Hummingbirds have hearing that is much better than humans. They can also see much better than humans. As hard as it may be to believe a hummingbirds heart beats up to 1250 times a minute. While they are at rest a hummingbird will take about 250 breaths per minute. Hummingbirds have very weak feet and they can barely walk. They prefer to fly or just set still. They will spend more time perching in their life than anything else. Hummingbirds weigh between 2 and 20 grams.

A penny weighs 2.5 grams. So you can see the hummingbird really is a very small bird. Hummingbirds do not mate for life and the male takes no part in setting on the eggs or raising the babies. All of this is done by the female bird. Hummingbirds love to feed on sugar water provided in artificial feeders.

If you can hang your feeder up in front of a window so you'll have a good view when the hummingbirds are feeding. You really should make your own hummingbird feed from white sugar and water. A lot of the already made store bought hummingbird food contains red food dye and preservatives that may be harmful to your hummingbird friends. No one has ever studied the long term effects of red food dye and preservatives on hummingbirds but the general belief is that its not good for them.

So the best ideal is to make your own homemade hummingbird food from white sugar and water. Please don't use other forms of sugar or honey because these contain substances that can be harmful to the hummingbirds. Brown sugar and raw sugars contains iron which is harmful to hummingbirds over a long period of time. The reason honey is not good to use in feeders is that when it is mixed with water it can allow microorgasms to grow and spoil the liquid feed.

If a bird feeds on the spoiled liquid food it can make the bird very sick or kill it. Be sure that if your feeder is visited by bees, wasps, and ants that you wash the feeder out on a regular basis and move it around the yard to keep the ants away. Small bugs and ants will often get into the feeder and drown and when you see this has happened you should wash the feeder and replace the sugar water in it.

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