Side Effects Of Eating Potatoes

How Make Food
Americans consume more potatoes than all other crops besides wheat, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, making it the most important vegetable crop in the country. Although they provide significant amounts of fiber and nutrients, including vitamin C and potassium, potatoes might cause adverse effects in some people. Gaining an understanding of these effects might inspire you to make wise dietary decisions.

If potatoes seem to upset your system, seek guidance from your doctor or dietitian. Potatoes, particularly peeled potatoes, have a high glycemic index, meaning they might dramatically impact your blood sugar. After eating a high-glycemic meal, your blood sugar and insulin rise higher than they do after eating low-glycemic fare.

Because of this, eating potatoes in large quantities or on their own might increase your risk of blood sugar imbalances, poor appetite control, type 2 diabetes and diabetes complications. Potato chips and french fries are also high-glycemic. To guard against blood sugar imbalances, consume potatoes with the peels on with low-glycemic foods, such as whole grains or low-fat milk.

If potatoes offset your blood sugar levels, you might experience increased hunger between meals, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. Preparing potatoes with popular high-fat toppings, such as butter, cheese, bacon and sour cream, add significant amounts of fat and calories to your diet, which might also contribute to weight gain. Fried potatoes and potato chips are also rich in fat and calories.

All starches except for rice stimulate gas during digestion, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Although foods affect people's gas symptoms differently, potatoes might trigger gas, gas pain and bloating, particularly if you are prone to gas and sensitive to the sugars that occur naturally in starches. Eating high-fat potato dishes, overeating potatoes or eating too quickly might cause similar effects. Although it remains unproven, some people believe that nightshade vegetables, which include tomatoes, peppers and white potatoes, trigger inflammation and joint pain.

If potatoes are stored improperly, these effects are believed to increase, according to "Prescription for Dietary Wellness" by Phyllis Balch, because natural inflammatory substances known as glycoalkaloids increase. Unripe potatoes are also high in glycoalkaloids. Lose Weight. Feel Great! AGE lbs. WEIGHT ft. The Benefits of Eating Potato Skins Potassium in Potatoes Sweet Potatoes and Diarrhea in Infants How to Cook Sweet Potatoes Without Losing Nutrients How to Wash a Potato How Do I Microwave a Red-Skinned Potato, Is Potato Bread Healthy, What Vitamins Do Sweet Potatoes Have, Woman Man Sign Up You're signed up!

Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites until they begin to get frothy, as if you're starting to make a meringue. At this point, add the vanilla extract and salt, along with the cream of tartar, which helps to stabilize the meringue. Increase the mixer's speed and beat the egg whites until soft peaks begin to form. Gradually beat in the remaining sugar, just 2 tablespoons at a time, occasionally stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Once all of the sugar is incorporated, turn speed to high and beat until stiff, glossy peaks form.

Whites can go from stiff peaks to grainy and overbeaten in just a few seconds, so keep stopping the mixer and lifting the beaters to check. If the egg whites stand up straight without moving, you've nailed it. Sift 1/3 of the already-sifted flour mixture (sifting is important, we swear) over whites. Continue beating on low speed, just until blended.

Sift and beat in the remaining dry ingredients in two more batches. Pour the mixture into an ungreased angel food cake pan or other tube pan. Run a rubber spatula or long knife through the batter to eliminate any large air bubbles, and smooth the top. Bake cake in the lower third of a 375°F oven until the top is golden and a tester comes out clean, which should take about 40 minutes. Remove the cooked cake from the oven and immediately invert the tube pan, resting it on a work surface to cool completely.

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