The Best Ever Hummingbird Food Recipe

How Make Food
Please Vote In Our Poll. Do you have a Hummingbird Feeder in your yard, I'm Thinking About Getting One. See results Magnificent Hummingbird In This Photo. It's a real good ideal to purchase hummingbird feeders that are red in color because the favorite color of hummingbirds is red. Hummingbirds eat nectar to power the bug eating machine that they are.

You'll also find that they love to eat soft bodied bugs like spiders. Brightly colored spiders like the Carolina Writing Spider are often snatched from their nests and eaten by the birds. Put your feeders up high enough that the birds won't have to worry about cats trying to turn the birds into prey.

You can hang them right in front of a window and the birds will over time come and feed from the feeder. Stand there quietly and you can watch the birds flying about and feeding from the feeder you have hung up. Be sure to make your own hummingbird food following the recipe here on this page. The long term effect of preservatives and food dye in commercial hummingbird food is not known and it may have a bad effect on the health of the birds long term.

Please know that you should never put food coloring, jello, fruit, or honey into a hummingbird feeder. You should know that when honey is diluted in water that it spoils quickly and grows bacteria that can harm or kill the bird. You never want to use brown sugar as it contains iron which is toxic to the birds.

Powdered sugar also should not be used as it contains corn starch and will fermit quickly. You should use plain sugar water made from regular white table sugar and water. When you hang up hummingbird feeders know that you are assuming a certain degree of responsibility. You need to keep the feeder or feeders filled with sugar water especially during the spring, summer, and fall. You need to check the feeder for drowned insects and if you find them in your feeder wash out the feeder with water and replace the sugar water in it.

Remember that if you sprinkle cinnamon around the tree the feeder is hanging in it will keep away ants. Ants can not stand cinnamon. If you have any tips, tricks, or suggestions about hummingbirds or questions feel free to post them below in the comment section. People Started Feeding Hummingbirds In The 1940s. Do You Know Why, In case you're wondering why people started feeding hummingbirds in the 1940s its because National Geographic Magazine did an article on feeding the birds with sugar water from a hummingbird feeder and the rest is history.

Hummingbirds are far more common than you might think but you don't see the birds unless you catch them feeding. Not only can you purchase and hang up hummingbird feeders but you can also plant flower gardens to attract the birds to your yard. You need to pick a good location for your hummingbird garden and if at all possible you will want to place it near a window so you can observe the birds feeding on the flowers from inside the house.

Keep in mind that you need a area that is well drained and it needs to be in a area that gets 6 - 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. You should also deside on the size of the garden. You can always start with a small garden and add to it the next year or in the years to come if you wish. Plants that you can plant in your garden to attract hummingbirds are.

2. Fushia and Lantana. 4. Rose Of Sharon. 7. Japanese Honeysuckle, Plant in container to keep it from spreading.I have mine in containers and they are against a wall that the Japanease Honeysuckle spreads over. I have latice put up over the wall to help the honeysuckle grow up the wall.

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