The Home Cook Hates Food Preparation (And How To Solve The Food Preparation Problem)

How Make Food
If you are anything like me you are super busy and you hate preparing food. I am always looking for ways to chop and dice fast and easy. Another problem for me is slicing onions for our BBQ's. They always seem to be really chunky and it doesn't look like I have done enough so I end up doing more than I need. Then of course I end up streaming with tears because not only am I devastated by the chunkiness of my onions but they really seem to be ridiculously aromatic.

There is no doubt cooking is fun but food preparation is a total bore. That is why you see all the restaurants have people who just prepare food. They are likely to be just employed to prepare so they have no choice if they want to keep their job. But if you watch them they are trained to be speedy and efficient, now that makes me really envious. Home cooks are just not efficient at preparing food. One of the keys though to good food preparation is a very sharp knife.

There is now doubt a sharp knife will make food preparation faster but also safer. A blunt knife will lead to pressing too hard on the knife and risks of slipping and extremely bad cuts. There are lots of good tools to sharpen your knives with if you cannot master the art of sharpening your knife with a classic butcher style knife sharpener.

I must confess I have a pet hate for cooking shows and how simple they make cooking. What they fail to do is show us the hideous amount of time required to prepare the food. They have somebody do it all for them and put it in little bowls for them to grab when needed. So when the presenter states it is simple it is simple when all you do is grab the ingredients and throw them together. Where are my little food preparation fairies when I need them,

Probably one of the best things to do is farm out the food preparation to your family, that is your kids and husband/wife. Getting your wife/husband to prepare is easy, just bribe them, tell them they will never get to eat again if they don't contribute. Then put your feet up whilst they get the job done and you can come in and finish off.

Again, it's a pretty casual meal, but we make sure it's well-rounded as much as possible. I think. I try to keep some variety, but switch things week to week. One week I might pop popcorn a couple or three times, the next week I may be slicing oranges more often. Oh, and no snacks after about 2 or 2:30, or else a certain little girl isn't hungry at supper. What does it cost, 80 a month for milk, produce, and really good deals that come up. So far, so good! Where do you get your stuff,

Everywhere. First off, we garden, and we have a fruit orchard. We keep hens too, and they supply us with all the eggs we could ever need. We also raise rabbits - mostly as pets, but we do occasionally have rabbit for dinner. I belong to a 'buying group' that does orders with different companies once a year. Spring order is bulk foods, many of them from Walton Feed, where we can get whole grains, milk powder, seeds for sprouting, grain mills and tons more.

In my area, the LDS cannery will allow non-members of the church to purchase. If you have a cannery in your area, it's a great place to make bulk purchase of the items they offer. I've gotten beans and oats in bulk, and been happy with both. Bountiful Baskets is a produce buying group that is available in my area. 16.50 for 2 weeks worth of produce. I've used it, and we just can't eat all the produce we get.

It's a laundry basket full of stuff, so we were splitting the produce and the cost with a neighbor. I like summer squash that are small and we would get rather large ones, for example. Plus, I'm that person who examines each and every apple before I buy them at the store, so I tend to be on the fussy side. It's good pricing, and sometimes we will do a basket in the middle of winter.

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