Women And Water Make Sustainable Food Security Happen Conference

How Make Food
The theme for World Water Day 2015 is 'Water and Sustainable Development'. The theme for International Women's Day 2015 is 'Make It Happen'. Within the scope of these themes, and to show the linkages between the two, UNESCO-IHE, together with Women for Water Partnership is organizing its annual Women's Day conference with a World Water Day twist on the 12th of March.

Keynote on 'How can women control water, More details on the programme will be made available once the other speakers have confirmed. Those that wish to attend can register by sending an email to with International Women's Day conference in the title, and that includes the name(s) of person(s) that will attend.

For those not able to attend the conference at UNESCO-IHE in Delft, we will be providing access to the conference via livestream (click here for the direct link). The link of the recording that will be published after the event, will be made public as soon as it becomes available. WorldWaterDay. UNESCO-IHE's Twitter account is @UnescoIHE. In 2014, UNESCO-IHE organized its first International Women's Day conference.

The event was so popular, especially among the student and PhD population, that it was decided to make it an annually recurring event. This year, UNESCO-IHE is co-organising the conference together with Women for Water Partnership. Watch a recording of last year's event, read a summary, or view the photo gallery on this website page.

The current growth rates of agricultural demands on the world’s freshwater resources are unsustainable. Inefficient use of water for crop production depletes aquifers, reduces river flows, degrades wildlife habitats, and has caused salinization of 20% of the global irrigated land area. To increase efficiency in the use of water, agriculture can reduce water losses and, most importantly, increase crop productivity with respect to water. Water is Food is one of UN Water's World Water Day topics, which is also the source of the facts above. Read more on UNESCO-IHE's research on reducing food insecurity.

In developing nations the responsibility for collecting water every day falls disproportionately on women and girls. On average women in these regions spend 25 percent of their day collecting water for their families. Climate change negatively impacts fresh water sources. Combined with increased demands for water, this will create huge challenges for water resources management. Water is Equality is one of UN Water's World Water Day topics, which is also the source of the facts above. UNESCO-IHE advocates gender equality and provides solutions for integrated water resources managment.

You cannot get away from it no matter what. Back in February, I did do a one month meat fast. I consumed no meat at all, and liked it pretty well. But I did it for health reasons, not because I felt that eating meat was wrong. So I finished the book.

No, I did not burn it. It is sitting quietly in my book crate, waiting to go back to the library. Masson brought up many points, but I did not feel that any were biblically sound. And so, I will continue to eat meat, eggs and dairy. Read it again: Yes! What to expect: Nina is very down to earth as she writes, and very simply points out how the basic foods truly are the best foods for our bodies.

All those yummy foods such as raw milk, homegrown eggs, real cheese, oils, meats, lard, fruits, vegetables, etc. are what God created for us; we should enjoy them and know that they are healthy! My thoughts on it: I loved her style, and loved her points about it. It takes her awhile to actually get "into" the book, as she tells about her childhood and young adult years, aaaaand it takes awhile to read through. But her information is very sound, both scientifically and biblically. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it made me hungry every time I read it! ], so I'll leave these three as a highlight of what I've been reading. Have you read any of these books, What were your thoughts on them,

We are working on modifying it to fit our family. What do I like about once a month shopping, Well, ideally it means that we only step into a grocery store a dozen times a year. This helps us stay on budget and also saves time. It also requires that we have a plan to make sure all the mouths are fed and our food is not put to waste.

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