Catered BBQ Ribs Make A Super Bowl Party More Festive

How Make Food
Super Bowl Parties bring people together for food and fun. Baby back ribs can be brought to this festivity by getting barbecue ribs and other delicacies from one of many BBQ locations that cater. Football fans wait every year for the Super Bowl to come around just like little children anticipate Christmas morning. This Mecca of all sporting events provides the best excuse for a party.

I a bait is heated it cannot easily become solution therefore it is not optimised to become the most highly potent and concentrated solution to trigger fish. It is easily possible for a person to make totally uncooked hard highly soluble feed-triggering baits which are optimised to become the most potent concentrated solution.

Such baits easily out-fish all heated baits. The number of my ebooks readers around the world consistently beating leading readymade boilies by making such baits is proof enough. If I know I am fishing against people fishing whole readymade boilies then the last thing I would consider using is heated readymade boilie baits.

I will make unique optimised for potent solution baits and avoid heating them in any way. Think about it. It is far easier for bait companies to catch your eye with colourful balls and claims of all kinds of features such as the kinds of nutritional ingredients and additives used in their bait.

Yet if these baits are heated they are not optimised to become exactly what they need to be in order to work to maximum efficiency as concentrated solution! Simply soaking baits in liquids is not an adequate answer to what is basically a reduced potency bait format. Adding a coating of paste around a boilie is such a joke too as you might as well be using paste all along. Having to add paste as a covering to heated bait simply proves how much heated baits are not in truth optimised for performance!

All those readymade baits sold with liquid dips to improve their impacts merely demonstrate that heated baits are a drastically under optimised bait format that actually reduce your catches. When you have been using totally unheated baits tested against heated boilies for long enough as I have, then the truth is so crystal clear you will have no wish whatsoever to fish boilies ever again.

I view using readymade boilies as a massive waste of time compared to using uniquely potent unheated baits. When you have had the practice and refinements to make unheated homemade baits that last any chosen timeframe, be it 3 or 6 hours or over 20 hours, you always have the advantage over steamed or boiled baits. I have used unheated hard potently soluble homemade baits on waters packed with crayfish, and had instant results far and away exceeding the catches achieved using boiled and steamed readymade baits.

I do not even like the word boilie now because of the degree that I have found this word by definition to mean an under optimised, time wasting, and catch reducing bait format! Personally I find it much more sane to fish using a low volume of optimised homemade baits than sit for hours using a bed of readymade baits waiting for them to become solution. Years ago many of us older anglers would use a pint of bait for a weekend and yet catch as many fish as anglers using 10 or 20 kilograms of boilies today.

When your bait is optimised you really can expect to get bites within minutes of casting out. The very first time I used a totally new unique potency optimised for concentrated solubility unheated bait, I had literally just let go of the rod casting and placing it in the rest before it produced a run. The best manifestation of bait in solution is when you achieve multiple attempts by fish to take your hook baits. This scenario provides the maximum multiple chances of hooking fish no matter how rig shy or experienced fish may be.

To achieve this scenario heated baits pale into insignificance compared to the most refined and most potently optimised unheated baits. It is like the actual additives, extracts and ingredients etc that you use in your baits. Hemp oil sold and used in fishing gives you a predominantly oily experience. By contrast the most stimulating, most biologically potent hemp oil will actually crackle on your tongue.

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