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How Make Food
It's unbelievable how many people are now dealing with stomach issues and how many people have now been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or IBD (inflamed bowel disease) such as Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. If you have persistent stomach aches and/or irregular bowel movements, you may want to look into the possibility of it being a more serious problem. IBS and IBD, usually starts in the late teens to mid thirty's and affects millions of people around the world.

IBS can be debilitating and IBD can be deadly. If you are dealing with stomach or bowel symptoms, such as constipation, pain, bloating its time to take what you eat more seriously. We need to make our digestive tract happy. We need to ensure that we are feeding our bodies, foods that break down relatively easy, so stay away from fast food and processed food, as well we need to feed our body the minerals and nutrients it requires.

It is well known now that the bacteria needed to breakdown foods effectively in our stomach and digestive tract or very important in reversing the affects of digestive disease. Look into probiotics and enzymes as a dietary supplement. Another cause can be emotional distress , so make sure you take the time to relax with a walk or meditation, and exercise on a daily basis. Don't let your stomach aches and irregular bowel symptoms go on to the point of developing into something more serious. Start learning about the symptoms you have, and the solutions available before they get worse.

View the detailed information of an order. Update order status and send notifications to the customer (when it’s accepted) and to the driver (when it’s ready to be picked up). Have an access to the list of the current orders. By the end of this stage the meal is prepared and sent to the customer. This stage is simple as that: when the customer confirmed that he received the order, business owner receives a direct payment. What features can be added to a restaurant version of the app,

As in the previous two cases, we can suggest you a number of additional features. They are usually not on the MVP list, but still can significantly improve your app. It seems we have reviewed both essential and complementary features for all three versions of food delivery app. But how much would it cost you,

That’s the question we are going to answer right now! 💵 How much does it cost to develop an on-demand food delivery app, There are some basic features that are the same for both customer and courier apps. These features are developed once and then just reused for the both apps, so we decided to allocate them in a separate table. The customer version of the food ordering app like UberEats has the largest number of features.

Android or iOS development). The courier version doesn't have as many features as the customer one, so it will cost you less. Finally, the latter part of the food delivery app development cost is building a restaurant app. Since it's not a mobile but a web-app you have no need to create different versions for iOS and Android operating systems. However, this is only a rough estimate that can’t fully cover all possible expenses. But if you share your idea with us, we can prepare a more precise estimate exactly for your app idea.

We have also compiled a list of tech tips from Stormotion developers. Hope, they will come in handy for you during the food ordering app development! Stripe and Braintree SDKs can be used to integrate the payment system. The both SDKs has already proved its efficiency and reliability. To add the detailed info about eateries you can use Google Places API.

Firebase SDK can be applied to send push notifications. Our developers use it right now, so they know for sure that it's pretty convenient. We also advise using Routific API for route optimization. This feature will suggest your couriers the best way from pickup to the drop location. The app was launched in 2011 and became a pioneer in the delivery business.

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