Why Did You Give Him/her This Rating,

How Make Food
Prepare the recipe for the lab that you missed. Provide a sample of the food along with this evaluation sheet for full credit of the lab. A parent/guardian must complete a part of this evaluation and sign it. Student Evaluation
1. Were all the ingredients and equipment gathered before beginning to work,

2. List one measuring technique you needed to complete to make this recipe. 3. List one technique used to make this recipe. 4. List equipment used to make this recipe. 5. Describe how the food turned out in regard to taste, smell, and appearance. 6. Write one or two sentences on what you did for clean up. Why did you give yourself this rating, 1. Based on your observations, were the recipe measurements accurately made, 2. Were the recipe directions followed for putting the recipe ingredients together, Why did you give him/her this rating, Why did you give him/her this rating,

You can really try almost any type of vegetable as long as you know it is pesticide and additive free. My big suggestion here is to keep their vegetables raw. Don't feed them cooked vegetables. Salt with iodine can kill your Hermit Crabs so keep this in mind. Don't feed them anything containing salt with iodine. Again read the label.

I sometimes boil pork neck bones or ox tails and feed my Hermit Crabs some of both. Boil the meat on the bone only in bottled water and don't put anything on the meat. Hermit Crabs love to pick meat off bones and sometimes I even see them chewing on bones.

Bones are a great source of calcium which is something Hermit Crabs need and why their should be a cuttlebone in their enclosure for them to chew and feed on. Most Hermit Crabs also love shrimp. Boil the shrimp in bottled water and give the crabs the shrimp in the shell. I bet you they will quickly pull it apart and eat it. You'll also find they love brine shrimp.

But be sure to wash the brine shrimp off with water before you give it to your Hermit Crabs. I appreciate you taking the time to read my Hub Page on , How To Make Your Own Hermit Crab Food. I hope you found the information helpful. But know that you should continue your research about Hermit Crabs. Buy a book and learn everything you can about Hermit Crabs.

Follow the links on this Hub Page to learn more about Hermit Crabs and thanks for reading. Please Post Your Comments Now About , How To Make Your Own Hermit Crab Food. And Thanks For Reading. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. That's cool do they really eat that much stuff.

Is it the stuff that is bought from the store that comes in a bag with a rich staple of filler, This could save you some money, but is it the best that you can do for your pet you cherish so much, Publisher: Blaine Ward It is all dependable on time and the convenience available whether to cook or not to cook.

So taking this in consideration, most of the people choose packaged food for their pet in order for easiness. It is obvious that cooking takes time, so few of the meal can be made ahead of the time as to make sure that the food is fresh. There are several supplements that should be added to insure that the pet is getting all the nutrients essential for their good health.

Publisher: Linda Manley If your retirement budget has gotten out of hand recently, one easy way to help control it is to cut back on eating out. In retirement, we have the option to eat 21 meals at home each week. If you're eating out five or six times a week, cooking at home is something you should consider for saving money. Publisher: Tricia Deed The best dog food for your pet is the food that your dog will eat, enjoy, and keep him healthy and happy for a long and prosperous good doggie lifestyle. There are many quality foods and food brands to select for your pet. It is your choice if you wish to feed commercially prepared foods, home cooked foods, or raw foods. What foods are you interested in,

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