Extreme Weather Patterns In Europe To Continue

How Make Food
Have you noticed the severe weather pattern changes in some parts of Europe of late, where some countries, in particular England, recently experienced severe problems as a consequence of extreme weather patterns. While heavy snowfall and icy conditions made people aware that there are currently different weather conditions at play, did you notice anything else,

What do these severe weather pattern changes, which have caused so much havoc in some parts of Western Europe, mean other than inconvenience for some and having some extra fun with snow for others, What does it do for bird and animal life, How severely were they affected, What do these severe weather pattern changes mean for those that are trying to predict weather patterns such as a weatherman,

Perhaps for some that they may no longer be in a position to adequately predict the weather in such regions. It is unfortunate that most people are no yet aware that these weather extremes have begun happening more often. The year 2008 was marked by severe weather extremes in many parts of the world.

Once these extreme conditions subside most people forget that there has been a severe disruption of normal weather patterns and don’t give it any further thought. In essence, have YOU asked yourself how your future may be affected by these extreme weather patterns, Could these changing weather patterns affect you more than it has until now,

Are there worsening conditioning on the way, Up till now, very few people would consider moving house as most find it hard to belief these extreme weather patterns will continue and that they could begin to be severely affected by it. However, what if in the near future this is no longer so,

What if there will be major weather pattern changes on an ongoing basis, which are just beginning to affect more and more parts of the world, What if the stresses placed on infrastructure, due to these weather extremes, could begin to play a very important role in future planning, What if climate change itself is no longer preventable,

What if we are moving towards a very unstable weather pattern, the beginning of which we are already seeing happening, Could the weather already have begun this cycle of instability and we have not noticed it, Often these extreme weather patterns are dismissed as simply an act of nature, with the thought that “these things sometimes happen”.

Why are most people not more vigilant and thinking about where we are heading under present weather conditions, Why is there a lack of care in resolving our own pollution issues, Life in the sense of how we know it will soon change, as most people will no longer find these coming changes comforting. These predictions I am sharing in this article are not to be dismissed as this will begin to show itself within the next two years. Mia den Haan is an author who has worked in the information technology sector since the early seventies, both in Europe and Australia. She receives information about the planet’s future in various forms, such as visions, dreams, and through channelings.

I still love to bake just as much as the first day we opened, but I would love to clone myself. You make everything from scratch. How do you manage your time and get everything done without going crazy, Who said I wasn't crazy! LOL Seriously, After 5 years I am still working out the kinks. BUT we are always committed to making everything from scratch. This year I am determined to train my clone and be less of a control freak.

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