How To Make A Cold Smoker, Build A Smokehouse

How Make Food
A large cardboard box, (rectangular is better), or you may like to buy some wood and make a wooden smoke box. If you choose to buy wood, make sure it is untreated. With your cardboard box you will need to cut the flaps off at one end so you can just pick it up and place it over your smoke source and whatever you are smoking.

You will also need ventilation holes toward the top end of the box so that the smoke can be forced up and out of the box. Creating a consistent flow of new clean smoke all the time. You will need some wire racks to place your produce on. Stainless steel mesh is perfect. I use a round cake cooling rack 30cm in diameter for my smoker.

The reason for this is I also use a round terracotta pot (the shallow type) and the round cake rack fits perfectly inside the pot. For safety reasons, it is best to do your smoking in a well ventilated area (outside). Place your terracotta pot on a couple of bricks and make sure your soldering iron doesn't come into contact with the cardboard box.

You will need to smoke cheese and salmon for about half an hour or more. Beef jerky needs to smoke for about 4 hours and requires the smoking temperature to be at least 70 degrees celsius (150 F). For more information on smoking (hot and cold) there are loads of great websites that have all the information you will need. In the meantime, Happy Smoking!

Cold Smoking and Salt Curing Items! The Joy of Smoking and Salt Curing: The Complete Guide to Smoking and Curing Meat, Fish, Game, and More (The Joy of Series) Buy Now Can't Build Your Own, There are many reasons why you may not be able to build your very own smokebox in your garden.

One of those reasons is that some cities will not allow you to. In the case that you live in a built up area, ie (big cities) you may not be able to build a smoker. There are ways around this. The simplest solution is to just buy a small table top smoking unit for your kitchen or outdoor patio. Check out these great smokers below.

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Don't know if I'm courageous enough to cook it at this point, but it sounds worthwhile. Voting this Up and Useful. Hi Nell Rose, if you ever get the chance to try biltong you should. Be warned though, it is good stuff! You could find yourself making your own too. Thank you for stopping by and reading my hub. Hi Mardi, I've never tried jerky, but it sounds similar to the South African biltong.

I would recommend the Lekker premium spice mix, I think it is a nicely balanced spice mix, that doesn't overpower the taste buds, but teases them leaving you wanting more.. Thank you for taking the time to read my hub and commenting. Sounds really interesting, I have heard of Biltong, but never really knew what it meant! We make our own beef jerky, which is a similar procedure although there is steady indirect heat (plus we also use a smoker sometimes)that cooks/dries the meat.

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