How To Chew Food Properly

How Make Food
Chewing your food properly is something that few of us do, but which can have wide ranging health benefits. Following are a few of the reasons that chewing your food properly is so important. First of all, if you’re concerned about your weight then one of the best ways to lose excess fat is to chew your food properly.

It might seem miraculous that this can work bearing in mind that you are still eating the same amount of food but in fact there are several ways this work. First of all, by chewing your food longer you create the illusion that you have eaten more and this makes you feel fuller. At the same time though because you’ve chewed your food more you will also find that it is smaller traveling into your stomach.

This therefore means that you will be filling your stomach less while getting the same number of nutrients and that means your stomach will stretch less. Importantly chewing your food carefully will help to improve your digestion. This is because your body will be tasked with breaking down and transporting much smaller bits of food so these will be less likely to stick in your esophagus or to require lots of energy and enzymes to break down.

This will result in several more benefits - the first of these being that you won’t be as likely to suffer heart burn and other forms of indigestion which can be very painful and very unpleasant. This will also prevent you from feeling heavy and tired and this can mean that you have more energy and are more alert following your meals. More to the point though, by better digesting your food by chewing it you also help your body to break it down and absorb it better into the blood stream.

The smaller the chunks the more easily the food will be broken down by enzymes and that will mean that it’s easier for your body to then utilise the nutrients such as the vitamins and minerals. If you eat your foot quickly in other words then more of it will pass straight through your system and your body will get fewer health benefits as a result.

However if you eat slowly and carefully then it will be relatively simple for your body to absorb and transport minerals, vitamins and amino acids to where they can be used. So for all these reasons it is highly important that you are very careful when chewing your food to ensure that you do so thoroughly and carefully. But how do you go about changing this lifetime habit of gobbling, Here we will look at just how you can start eating more carefully and what the best ways to ensure you thoroughly digest your food are.

The first step towards chewing your food more carefully is to be aware of it. Simply making a conscious effort each time you remember to chew carefully will start to help you make a difference and if you remember to do it often enough then it will become a habit. This however is one of the challenges and remembering each time that you go to eat that you need to chew more carefully can be tricky - especially if you are in a hurry at that time.

Try to set yourself a reminder which can be a tie that you tie around your wrist, or perhaps a small sticker placed onto your cutlery. Even a note at your place at the dinner table can make a difference. Keep these for around thirty days - as the rule is that it takes thirty days to make or break a new habit.

Another method is to go by feeling and texture in your mouth. Decide how much it should feel like pulp or mush and then make sure that you chew the food down to that point every time. Alternatively you can do some of the work before it even gets to your mouth by ensuring that you cut the food up as small as you can to make it easier to chew. Now the same amount of chewing will break it down even smaller.

A simple habit is to place your cutlery down between each mouthful and this will ensure that you take slightly longer on each morsel. Make a rule that you also can’t pick these back up until you have finished whatever is in your mouth. If you’re currently having a lot of difficulty with digesting your food then you might want to use an alternative to whole food until you solve your digestive problems. Any meal replacement shake should do the trick, but make sure you see a doctor to help address the issue.

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