How To Create Successful Habits

How Make Food
Find out how forming the right habits can literally make you or break you. You will find out the reason why bad habits are so destructive to your own personal development, business development and how you can form positive ones to serve you. I have also included some of my personal habits that I have developed over the years to help me along the way. Learning how to create successful habits is imperative if you are going to succeed in the long run, in business or in life.

Some are completely destructive and can prevent youfrom living a successful and prosperous life, others may not really make much of a difference, and then others are very positive and allow you to keep on improving as a person. You can also break bad habits too and one of the best ways to do this is changing the person you believe yourself to be.

You consciously make an effort to change your self-image by no longer seeing yourself as the person who smokes or the person who drinks or the person who is lazy and never exercises. You begin to think every day about the person you have decided to be and get that clear in your mind.

You begin to hold yourself as that person and if you ever speak about yourself, you always refer to yourself as that new person with better habits. Put yourself in the shoes of the person that you want to become. See yourself as the person who reaches all their goals, has the life you want and do it in vivid detail. Eventually you will realize the amazing potential in creating some simple habits on a daily basis and learning how to create successful habits isn't that hard after all.

All of that can really set the tone for our meal don't you think, I remember going to a friends house one time for the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. A bunch of us girlfriends gathered around and she plopped a big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough with a bunch of spoons poking out and a gallon of milk down among us. I have always loved that, I love that she did it, she served with confidence and I think there was even conversation about food being part of her ministry.

Something about it was so fun, maybe because there are so many voices telling us not to eat raw cookie dough and she gave us full permission to eat something we all loved. But of course, a big part of it was the beautiful way she served it. With love. Without judgement. Actually, I got kind of a laugh when I went back through my photos looking for meal captures and this is only from the month of May!

Obviously, this has been on my mind even subconsciously this month! No meal is too ordinary to just take two minutes to make special. Something I'd like to work on in the meal department is more meaningful conversation. We have done dinner questions, things you learned at school and more, but my little people don't always enjoy or engage in the more meaningful conversation opportunities and that will come as they grow, I hope! While we're on the subject of food, I have a confession to make. I am very intimidated by the farmers market.

I don't like feeling on the spot and buying directly from a human being does just that. I don't feel like that suits what I am looking for. It is crowded and feels high pressure to me in certain ways. But, I love the idea of the farmers market and would love to try and make it work more often.

When my sweet friend suggested breakfast out for my birthday, I asked if she would go with me to the farmers market and help me get over the initial hump of my discomfort there. She is used to going so we went there first and I was uncomfortable, but I did get a few things I needed and was glad to go with a friend. This past Saturday we went back and I took my children with me.

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