How To Make And What To Include

How Make Food
Survival food kits aren't just for those expecting a nuclear meltdown or another worldwide catastrophe. Food kits are the perfect solution for any natural disaster, including earthquakes and tornado, that can be used when you need emergency supplies. Learning how to make survival food kits and what to include in these kits can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Making survival food kits is most often based on your personal food preferences.

For example, you may often read that powdered eggs are a good item to include but if you don't use or eat regular eggs chances are good that you won't want to use the powdered eggs, either. Look at the foods that you do eat on a regular basis and opt for those that are nutritionally sound and that fit your personal tastes well.

Some foods that most people choose to include for their nutritional value include beans, either dried or canned, rice, whole grains such as oats and baking supplies such as corn meal and flour. Canned and dried fruits and vegetables are also very important to include to maintain levels of vitamins and minerals in the body.

A variety of canned and dried foods should be included in your survival food kits. How Much Do I Need, Determining how much food you need to have in basic survival food kits will vary based on how many people are in your household and how long you want the emergency supplies to last.

Most pre-packaged food kits for emergencies will provide enough food for one adult for two weeks and contains at least forty-four servings of food. Freeze dried food is typically sold in one to four serving sizes per pack. Take the time to read the number of servings on each type of food that you purchase and buy according to how many people are going to be using the supply in an emergency. When building survival food kits you will want to make sure that each item has a long shelf life.

Most freeze dried foods have a shelf life of twenty-five years, allowing you to store the supplies indefinitely. Canned food will last for a shorter period of time and may need to be used within one year of purchasing. To maintain your emergency food supply over time you will need to rotate the canned food by buying new cans and using older ones in everyday food preparations.

Ending the food insecurity from malnutrition requires enough nutrients to both prevent chronic disease and support an active and healthy life. We must pay attention to what is called “hidden hunger” that may masquerade as obesity, and we must be ready to identify obesity as an expression of 21st century food insecurity. The number of people in the world who lack sufficient calories to supply their body with energy for the day hovers around one billion. The number who suffer from nutrient deficiency that will impact their functioning and well-being is about two billion.

The number liable to suffer from chronic diseases related to overconsumption of calories is close to two billion. To sum it up, today’s food system subjects five of the world’s 7 billion people to one or another form of food insecurity. FOOD FOR BODY AND SOUL, Yes, we need nutrients, as well as staples that provide calories.

But we also need food that feeds the soul, as well as the body. Food has always provided convivial opportunities for people to gather and eat together, often in a celebratory mood — be it a celebration of birthdays, graduations, or holy days. The link between food and celebration comes from the fact that humans are social animals with social instincts and social needs as vital as any other. Food’s ability to address social, psychological, cultural, spiritual and mental needs of social animals should be included in any all-encompassing understanding of food security.

That is why terms such as dignified, self-reliant and culturally acceptable are so critical to a capacious understanding of food security. McDonald is equally strong on a third point common to advanced understandings of food security — the need to think in terms of systems, not silos. Solutions to food insecurity must be environmental as well as social, he states in his conclusion. Solutions also need to be system-wide or holistic.

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