How To Make Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

How Make Food
Ever wondered how to make cauliflower mashed potatoes, I’m showing you an easy step-by-step guide to making a healthy, gluten free and low carb side dish! Cauliflower Mash. Did you know it can actually taste like POTATOES, That’s right. A low carb, super healthy little vegetable, all blended up with a few super-simple ingredients can taste like a loaded-with-carbs potato and become a side dish that your whole, veggie-hating family will actually LOVE! I promise I am not lying to you. This will actually eat veggies WITHOUT complaining.

I tested it on Mr. FFF to be sure. But how do you make mashed potatoes out of cauliflower you ask, It’s actually really super, SUPER simple so I figured I would show you a little how-to, step-by-step for all my visual learners out there! Using a cauliflower mashed potatoes recipe is great for any day of the week.

It makes the perfect side dish to some comfort food recipes like healthy baked chicken cordon bleu, jalapeno popper chicken or I bet you could even use it on a paleo shepherd’s pie instead of potatoes! However, it’s especially awesome to whip out this side dish during the holiday season! Classic mashed potatoes are a staple at Thanksgiving or Christmas, so learning how to make healthy mashed cauliflower is great for the season that we are in!

1. Step one is to cut your cauliflower into bite-sizes florets. This helps them cook a lot faster. 2. Then, you need to bring a large pot of water to a boil, adding a little salt. How long do you have to boil cauliflower for to mash it, 1. I’m glad you asked internet friend!

Once the water boils, toss the cauliflower in, cover and boil about 8-10 minutes. It should be fork-tender when it’s ready and not TOTALLY falling apart! 1. Drain the cauliflower and let it sit on a kitchen towel for about 10-15 minutes. You need to handle it for the next step, and you don’t want to burn your hands. 2. Step 5 is SUPER key to making super creamy cauliflower mashed potatoes. Place the drained cauliflower into a kitchen towel and ring out AS MUCH water as you POSSIBLY can.

Really use your muscles because this helps make a thick-not-watery cauliflower mash. 3. Dump the rung-out cauliflower into a food processor and add your other ingredients. My favorite “add-ins” are dairy-free cream cheese and roasted garlic. The garlic adds some HUGE flavor and the cream cheese makes this mashed cauliflower SO super-duper rich and creamy!

If you’re wondering how to make paleo mashed cauliflower, I would just add some roasted garlic and salt and pepper and you’re good to go! 1. Blend-blend-blend until smooth and creamy! 2. Season to taste with some salt and pepper and you are DONE! Now you know how to make cauliflower mashed potatoes! You now have a super creamy, low carb AND low-calorie side dish to have SECOND helpings of this Holiday Season! I LOVE SEEING YOUR RECIPE RECREATIONS!

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