How To Make Homemade Baby Food

How Make Food
It is so easy to pop open a jar of baby food, warm it for a few seconds, and feed it to your baby. You may be wondering, then, why anyone would bother making their own baby food. Once you discover its many benefits and learn how easy it is, you may decide that making baby food is worth a try. Perhaps the most important benefit of homemade purees is that you control what goes into them.

Did you know that many commercial foods contain additives like starches to bulk up the food, When you make it yourself, you can be sure that you are using the freshest ingredients with no fillers or preservatives. Another compelling reason is the savings. 400 by making it yourself. Finally, when you make your own baby food, you have unlimited possibilities when it comes to variety. Consider these possible taste combinations: avocado and mashed potatoes, apples and butternut squash, and peaches and sweet potatoes -- just to name a few!

Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables. Boil or steam fruits and vegetables until tender, reserving the remaining water. Soft fruits and vegetables like bananas and avocados do not need to be cooked. Boil or bake meats until thoroughly cooked. Boiling tends to result in more tender meat which is helpful during the pureeing process.

Cut cooked fruits, veggies, and meats in to cubes and put into a food process or blender. Add a small amount of liquid such as reserved cooking water, fresh water, breastmilk, or formula. Pour pureed food into ice cube trays and freeze. Baby food cubes can be popped out and stored in freezer bags.

When you are ready to feed your baby, warm one or two cubes in the microwave. Check with your pediatrician to determine which foods are appropriate for your baby. When introducing solid foods, feed your baby a single food at a time so that if he or she is allergic, you will know which food is the culprit.

Babies may have to try a food 10-15 times before developing a taste for it so if your baby rejects something, offer it again and again. After one to two months in the freezer, baby food may begin losing nutrients and flavor. For this reason, only make a few weeks' worth of food at a time.

An estimated 11 million people in the Horn of Africa "are on the brink of starvation" because of the severe drought and war. Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia need food aid, water, new livestock and seeds. This is a major food crisis in development. Poverty in Afghanistan, exacerbated by drought, has contributed greatly to their hunger problem. The recent earthquake, with a severe winter have produced starvation conditions. Recently, landslides have hampered relief efforts. Food insecurity caused by the country's economic problems are exacerbated by unpredictable and severe weather conditions.

To date, the North Korean government has failed in its duty to provide for their people starve. The North Korean government has actually refused foreign aid. A 40-year civil conflict and the illegal drug trade have caused massive displacement and poverty. 3.4 million people have been displaced as a result of an ongoing internal conflict.

They are struggling to cope with the devastating effects of a recent drought. Erratic weather, lack of seeds and fertilizers, chronic poverty, and AIDS have been factors contributing to starvation. These are the areas of the world are currently suffering the highest levels of malnutrition and hunger. With this understanding that relief efforts are needed, we must address the question of individual response. Are individuals in developed countries donating to relief efforts,

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