How To Get Over A Mistake

How Make Food
When's the last time you made a mistake, Recently, to my dismay, I discovered a typo on the "thank you" pop-up on my mailing list opt-in. Since thousands of people subscribed to the list (including many of you, dear readers) that meant THOUSANDS of people saw the error. How could I have missed it, What would people think, Yes, I went to that worst place scenario, imagining people would be completely put off and might think less of me. I confided my concerns to a friend. She started to laugh.

She went on to tell me that my error, although understandably upsetting, made me seem more accessible and fallible in her eyes, which from her perspective was a good thing. It's easy to lose perspective and feel as if a relatively minor mistake is huge. In my case, I realized I had highlighted the typo and minimized the overall value I strive to bring to subscribers.

Worrying makes things worse. Stop obsessing about what happened: Worrying about a mistake can lead to negative self-talk and an expectation of perfectionism, both of which affect self-esteem. When you feel bad about yourself, you're more likely to use disordered eating as an escape, for comfort, or as punishment. Start learning from it: Figuring out what you can do to prevent another error (double proof-readers for me!) is important.

I often reassure people that it's okay to mess up, screw up, forget or just plain fail. This experience forced me to put my beliefs into action. What does it mean to make a mistake, What do you feel when you've made an error, What is your inner judge telling you, What would you tell a friend in a similar situation, How bad is it in the overall scheme of things, You made a mistake. You are not a mistake.

Though it is a popular addition to Chinese meals, it is highly versatile and is regularly used in other cultural cuisines as well. Tofu is available in various varieties and textures, including firm, extra-firm and soft. Most tofu available at supermarkets and grocery stores has been heated. According to people who follow a raw food diet, this destroys vital and life-giving enzymes. Raw tofu, on the other hand, is made by curdling soymilk with salts, draining and pressing it. It can be time consuming.

If you can find raw food tofu at the store, it may be easier and more economical to purchase it. You can make raw tofu at home. Purchase raw soy milk at health food stores. The rest of the equipment and ingredients needed to make raw tofu may be found at the average grocery store, supermarket or health food store. You don't need much to learn how to make raw tofu on your own. It's possible you already have some or most of these basic supplies on hand already.

Place the Epsom salts into the gallon of soy milk and stir gently for a few minutes to ensure they are dissolved. Set the container aside for at least a half hour. Begin checking the soy milk after the first half hour. The Epson salts should curdle the soy milk.

Once curds form, you are ready to make tofu. Place the cheese cloth over the bowl, and slowly pour the curdled soy milk onto the cheese cloth. Take the ends of the cheese cloth and pull them up to make a bag filled with liquid and curds. You must drain off as much liquid as possible.

Continue squeezing until very little liquid comes out of the bag and you are left with a cheese cloth filled with soy milk curds. Place the firm curds into the mesh strainer and cover with another piece of cheese cloth. Place the weights on top and let it stand for a while to further drain off any liquid.

When you're sure you've drained off as much liquid as possible, place the raw soy milk curds into the container to mold and shape it. Make sure you cover it tightly with a lid. Use raw soy milk tofu within a day or two and discard if it smells or looks at all questionable.

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