How To Make A Recycled Tin Man

How Make Food
A great recycled project to make with cans is a Tin Can Man. You can have your very own Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz hanging in your yard. My neighbor had a Tin Man hanging in his yard. I thought it was very unique and different. I'd never seen one before but as I got to looking at it more I thought I could make one of those.

All I needed to do was round up a bunch of different sizes of cans and buttons for eye's. Then one day while talking with my neighbor he mentioned about getting rid of some stuff so he could get the house ready to sell. I asked about the Tin Man hanging in their yard. Later that day he said it's all yours.

He wanted it to be a thank you gift for keeping an eye on the house because it sits empty while his Mom is a Care Center. So now that Tin Man lives in my back yard. As you can tell by the photo of him it needs a little work and some love but I'm pretty excited to have him.

I do love the rustic look though. So let's take a look at what kind of supplies you need make this. I've put together some instructions to follow. This is a neat fun project. Everyone seems to love the Tin Can Man! Heavy wire, epoxy glue. Gather your cans and lids; rinse them and remove the labels. Next you'll want to drill a hole in the top of each cans including the sardine cans.

Also drill a hole on each side the biggest can being used for the body. You can either leave cans there natural coloring or spray paint them with an acrylic silver gray paint to give them a cleaner look. Next gather bottle caps. You can paint them black or leave with there natural artwork on them .

You can either drill holes in the cans where the bottle caps would go for eyes and buttons or they can be glued on. If screwing them on you will want to do that before assembling the body together. So you just drill a holes where they would go for eyes and buttons then drill a hole in the bottle caps and screw them on. If gluing them on that can be done in the end or can simply paint on a face with a magic markers or paint.

To make a nose is a little tricky and several ways to do that. You can use a can lid by folding it back and bending it forward then drill holes and screwing it on or can simple draw one on a can lid and use wire cutters to cut it out.

If you are drawing your face then of course you'll draw a nose with a magic marker or paint one on. To make ears you'll want to use small can lids. To do this make two slits on each side of can used for the head then insert the lids in and glue them in place with epoxy glue. Tip: I'd use a can open where it takes the whole lid off that looks like a lid with a lip on it instead of them being cut with sharp edges.

You'd don't want to get cut up making ears or anyone else who looks at your Tin Man. Now to assemble the body you will cut a heavier wires to length for attaching the cans. Your first piece of wire should be long enough to fit through the funnel, head and body.

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