How Make Food
Pour all of the the glue into the mixing bowl. Pour all of the water to the mixing bowl with the glue. Stir the glue and water together. Add your food color now - about 6 drops should do it. Now add the liquid starch and stir it in. It should be nice and blobby by now. As you play with your slimy concoction, it will become more stretchy and easier to hold. Explore your slimy creation and store it in a zip bag when you are not using it.

How does it work, The glue is a liquid polymer. This means that the tiny molecules in the glue are in strands like a chain. When you add the liquid starch, the strands of the polymer glue hold together, giving it its slimy feel. The starch acts as a cross-linker that links all the polymer strands together. The project above is a DEMONSTRATION.

1. Does changing the amount of water or glue change the feel of the slime, 2. Do different glues make better slime, 3. How does changing the amount of each ingredient change how the slime turns out, 4. What happens to slime if it is stored out of a bag compared to in a bag,

9. Silk Tree, Plant in container to keep it from spreading. You can plant a combination of these flower plants in your garden and while the flowers are blooming you should have a large population of hummingbirds in your hummingbird garden. As a side benefit you'll see that you will have a huge population of butterflies also. You can place several hummingbird feeders up around your garden about six foot apart and attract hummingbirds when the flowers are not in bloom.

Its important to place your feeders at least six foot apart to create separate feeding areas for the hummingbirds coming to the feeders. The reason for this is that hummingbirds can be very territorial and will chase other hummingbirds away from what they consider to be their feeder. With a little time and effort you can create a hummingbird paradise.

Several Hummingbirds Feeding Here In This Photo. You will also see other birds and insects visiting your hummingbird feeder. Wasps, bees, and ants all love sugar water and they will eventually find your feeder. Be sure to empty your feeder and wash it out with water if the feeder has drowned insects in it. Orioles, woodpeckers, and yes even squirrels will sometimes feed from your feeder. As will some species of bats. All of them love sugar water.

You can hang your feeder up in such a way to keep squirrels from visiting it. If you have ants climbing up the tree to your feeder sprinkle cinnamon all around the base of the tree and it will keep the ants away. Ants do not like cinnamon and will not stay where it is. Be sure to keep a eye on your feeder and keep it filled up for your hummingbird friends and be sure to keep your feeder very clean. And remember please don't add food dye to the water.

Its not necessary and it may harm the hummingbirds. Hummingbirds drink nectar from flowers. They know which flowers have the nectar with the highest sugar content and it is these flowers that you'll most see hummingbirds feeding from. Humming birds are like bees in that both of them are able to use the sugar which is contained in the nectar that they drink from flowers. Most people think that hummingbirds only drink nectar but this isn't true.

They also feed on spiders and bugs. This helps to fill their need for protein, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Nectar is a poor source of all of these things so the birds can often be seen chasing down and catching bugs and spiders. I've set and watched them snatch a spider from its web. You may not know it but hummingbirds are quite territorial.

If you put up an artificial feeder and watch it closely you may notice one hummingbird hanging around the feeder all the time and chasing off other hummingbirds that try to drink from the feeder. Many people think that these birds spend all day flying around but that isn't true. They use up a lot of energy flying so they spend a good portion of the day setting somewhere and resting.

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