How To Make Your Own Hermit Crab Food

How Make Food
Hermit Crabs are scavengers by nature and they will eat almost anything. It's really easier than you might think to make your own Hermit Crab Food. Just feed your Hermit Crab as natural of food as possible choosing from the below list. Usually I make up a combination of these foods and feed it to them in a small bowl they can easily reach into. 3. Red, Green, Yellow, Orange Bell Peppers. The Oak leaves and bell peppers are natural sources of beta carotene which will help to improve the color of your Hermit Crabs.

Use only Oak leaves that are green and have not been treated or sprayed with insecticide. Use a flat shallow dish for your Hermit Crab food dish. You should have the light over your Hermit Crab enclosure set on a automatic timer and 10 hours a day is enough time for it to be on. When the light goes off it's time to put the Hermit Crabs food dish with their food in it into the enclosure. Leave the food dish in the enclosure overnight and remove it and discard any uneaten food in the morning.

This will help to ensure that you have happy healthy Hermit Crabs. Never leave the food dish in the Hermit Crab enclosure but over night. This means yes you should remove it every morning. You should be sure to give your Hermit Crabs a calcium supplement and a carotene supplement on a regular basis. Buy it at your local health food store where you can carefully read the label. You want as natural a product as possible.

You don't want a product with fillers or other additives. I use the product advertised below to make salt water for my Hermit Crabs. It is a great product and it has always worked great for me. It is called Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix and it's a easy to use all natural product. A large container of it will last you for a very long time.

Just keep any unused portion in a tightly covered container in a cool dry place. It's important that your Hermit Crab enclosure have two small shallow ( 1/2 to 1 inch deep ) bowls in the Hermit Crab enclosure at all times. One should have fresh chlorine free water and one should have salt water. Be sure that you keep both dishes of water very clean at all times.

And remember it's very important to use very shallow bowls that your Hermit Crabs can reach into easily but not fall in. I use only bottled water to give my Hermit Crabs fresh water or to mix up their salt water. Never use water out of your tap. Any water that you give to your Hermit Crab must be chlorine free. I use homemade salt water water falls in my Hermit Crab enclosures to keep the humidity level at 70 - 80 percent in the Hermit Crab enclosure.

Other things you can try feeding to your Hermit Crab include very small pieces of fresh fish, apples, carrots, raisins, and grapes. In the wild Hermit Crabs feed on fish so feel free to offer them small bits of fresh fish as a treat from time to time. Feed them cuttlebone and egg shells and they will get much needed calcium naturally from these two items.

I keep a large piece of cuttlebone in the Hermit Crab enclosure all the time and they are always feeding on it. I have it fastened to one of their climbing branches so they have to climb up to feed on it. Wow I Never Knew They Could Eat All Those Items. See results Everyone That Owns Hermit Crabs Should Buy A Good Information Book About Them And Read It Several Times. Here Are Several Of The Best Ones.

Hermit Crabs (Complete Pet Owner's Manuals) Buy Now Here Is The Best Product For Making Salt Water For Your Hermit Crabs. This Is The Product I Always Use With Great Results. OC SEA SALT 5GAL DISPLAY(1 PC) Buy Now How To Feed Your Hermit Crabs. Keep in mind that Hermit Crabs find their food two ways.

They find it by themselves or they observe other Hermit Crabs feeding. Once a hungry Hermit Crab sees other Hermit Crabs feeding they will be quick to come see what the other crabs are eating. You should remember that just like humans Hermit Crabs need beta carotene, calcium and antioxidants.

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