How To Raise Your Testosterone Levels Through The Roof With The Endocrine Diet

How Make Food
It's no secret that back in the day men had much higher testosterone levels then they do today. There simply had to be something that motivated men to hack their way through the wilderness, and assemble a civilization. If one is a fan of old photographs, it is not uncommon to find snapshots of men who barely weigh 200 lbs.

How did they do it, The answer lay in their high testosterone levels. These days, the average testosterone level of an adult male is 400-500 ng/dL (nano grams per deciliter), with the total possible range between 200-800ng/dL, barring outliers. However, these numbers are shockingly low when you realize that barely 100 years ago, the range of testosterone in adult males was 800-2000 ng/dL! We've become feminized and weak as time has gone by, with society attributing testosterone levels in the range of 800-2000 ng/dL to steroid usage or a weekly injection of testosterone cypionate.

The problem with steroids and testosterone cypionate, is that your body will shut down its' natural hormone production when given the synthetic stuff. So when you come of "the juice," your body doesn't remember how to make testosterone and your whole system is out-of-whack. But why do testosterone levels keep dropping with each successive generation,

1. Heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride, chlorine and estrogen-mimicking chemicals are wrecking absolute havoc with the receptor sites in our endocrine systems. Just imagine a toxic monkey-wrench being thrown into the delicate machinery that is your endocrine system. It's hard to escape these poisons, since they saturate our food, our water, and our air.

2. Instead of consuming a diet fit for a predator we are fed a diet fit for a barnyard animal. 3. We are utterly STARVED for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are ESSENTIAL for the production of testosterone. These nutrients are: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, iodine, iodide, and magnesium chloride.

What's interesting is many of these nutrients are branded as "toxic" and "dangerous," when in fact they are not. With this in mind, it can be argued that men are being poisoned on purpose - as part of a conspiracy to make sure we stay little boys throughout our entire lives.

Testosterone, after all, is the fuel that drives personal growth in a man, and is the source of a man's courage. Now before you dismiss this as "conspiracy theory," remember that fluoride was first introduced into the water supply, in Soviet prisons, in order to keep the prisoners docile. The warden certainly had no interest in preserving the health of his inmates' teeth! But what steps should you take, The first thing you need to do is detoxify! This is easier then you think, and doesn't require daily enemas or anything messy like that.

500 on a blender and start grinding up expensive organic vegetables. All you need to ingest is zeolite and MSM, an inexpensive form of sulfur. Zeolite is a volcanic mineral with a specific lattice structure that traps all manner of toxic nonsense and removes it from your body via your urine.

Lots of companies sell expensive liquid zeolite, but all the studies that were done used the powdered, micronized zeolite. MSM cleans out and regenerates your liver, which is important because if your liver is dirty, testosterone production is going to suffer. Now you may ask why I am including buffered vitamin C in both drinks, 1.Your adrenal glands are literally made from vitamin C, and millions of men are suffering from adrenal fatigue.

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