One of the suggestions for you is to implement restaurant marketing. Most successful restaurant owners used this method to earn their living. If you want to be like them, here are some restaurant marketing ideas for you. Marketing means to make your product sold out by itself. Even though your product is very interesting and good, you need some ways and mediums to notify people about the existence.
Same goes in restaurant marketing. You need to find a way to convey the menu and special offers to your customers. What you can do here is to broadcast your restaurant. Promote your restaurant through media like radio, television or even internet. There are so many restaurants that have done this and if you realize, those are successful restaurants.
You can also observe that these restaurants do also post their ads in many websites. Another idea that you may consider is to print brochures and other sorts of printing advertisements like newspapers and magazines. I am pretty sure most of us do read newspaper and magazines often and people may notice your restaurant through these reading materials.
Lastly, carry out promotions and events often. To attract customers, you may consider promotions like making the last day of the month as half price day, where every meal in your restaurant costs only 50% of its original price. Organize events often as well, with unique themes and food served based on the theme. Visit for more details.
I realize that most folks don't like rap, and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise; I'm just explaining why this conservatively-raised country girl is now listening to, and enjoying, such a genre. I like the simplicity of it, and the fact that I can hear the lyrics so strongly. I have gotten more out of one song by Lecrae then by all the songs in a hymnal.
I can't even count how many times I've been upset and have listened to 'Far Away', or 'Background', or some other song, and felt better afterwards. The message in those songs is amazing. Today's song 'I Used To Do It Too' is a good one too. It's like getting a mini sermon in lyric form.
And I have a gut feeling that Jesus has no qualms with rap music. My conviction concerning music is that if your heart's in the right place, and you're singing to glorify Him, then the style don't matter. Acappella or heavy metal; classical or rap. I think we humans are the ones who do the judging, when in all honesty -- that ain't our job!
And just because I can, here's Lecrae's song 'Far Away'. God's not far away! He's always right here for us! I love that this song starts out despairing (usually the way I am when I listen to it), and then it finishes strong. What shall I do next, Methinks I might go finish the lunch dishes real quick, and then maybe go swing outside for awhile. We'll see what happens.
How did you decide on a location, Back in the Day Bakery has gotten lots of great publicity and has become a tourist destination. This has to be exciting. Has this changed the way you run your business, How do you meet the demands brought about by all your success and publicity, We chose our location which is a "transitional" neighborhood & a lot of people thought we were crazy. The reasoning was twofold because we wanted to be a neighborhood bakery and for financial reasons.
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