Influence Of Enzymes In Raw Foods

How Make Food
In today’s world, people mostly ingest a diet of heated foods. The overpoweringmajority of them are cooked at temperatures of 212 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. Heating food at these temperatures abolishes virtually all of the enzymes in the food. For what reason are enzymes useful, Enzymes are the human body’s main.

Enzymes help and accelerate every chemical reaction in the body. Without enzymes our bodies would not operate in the way they were designedmadeE to operate. In essence, they are the things which make life achievable. As we age, our body’s ability to produce these needed enzymes decreases. This results in less efficient digestion and less nutrients actually being absorbed into our systems, Also, our bodies must curtail the production of distinctive enzymes needed in other areas of the body such as the brain, heart, muscles, and kidneys.

Consuming large quantities of high-temperature cooked foods forces the body to expend its resources on digestion. The resulting metabolic dislocation, or enzyme deficiencies, can be linked to a variety of chronic disorders such as allergies, skin conditions, cancers, heart disease, chronic fatigue, arthritis, kidney stress, and many others. This state of enzyme deficiency stress exists in the plurality of people who are living on the standard Western diet. In addition, studies show that eating a cooked food diet can assist lead to obesity and overweight.

In animal studies, animals fed a cooked diet were significantly heavier that their counterparts on raw diets. This was despite being fed the same number of calories. Easy Plugin for AdSense. Suppress this ad slot. When we consume a diet based primarily on raw foods we are consuming foods closer to how are bodies were designed to ingest them. The living enzymes in the foods are not destroyed and can be readily used and absorbed by our bodies without any extra effort.

Raw food takes less energy to eat and passes through the digestive system in 1/3 to 1/2 the time needed for cooked foods. Eat a raw-food based diet also places less of a burden on our immune systems. Eating cooked foods causes the body to produce an increased amount of white blood cells - similar to how the immune system reacts in the face of an infection. Human bodies were designed to consume a raw food diet, rich in natural, living enzymes. The further we move away from this ideal, the more we place extra burdens on our systems. For more articles and tips on raw food diet subscribe to our free Holistic Health eZine today!

In sum, participants decreased their total PUFA intake, decreased omega-6 intake and increased intake of ALA and long-chain omega-3s. After an average of 27 months, total mortality was 70% lower in the intervention group than in the control group eating the typical diet! This effect was not seen in trials that encouraged vegetable and grain consumption, discouraged red meat and dairy fat consumption, but didn't alter PUFA intake or the omega-6 : omega-3 ratio, such as the Women's Health Initiative.

As usual, the most important line of evidence comes from healthy non-industrial cultures that did not suffer from modern non-communicable diseases. They invariably consumed very little omega-6 LA (3% of calories or less), ate a roughly balanced amount of omega-6 and omega-3, and had a source of long-chain (animal) omega-3.

They did not eat much omega-3 from plant sources (such as flax), as concentrated sources are rare in nature. Dr. Weston Price observed that cultures throughout the world sought out seafood if available, sometimes going to great lengths to obtain it. Price searched for, but did not find, vegetarian groups that were free of the diseases of civilization.

What he found were healthy cultures that put a strong emphasis on nutrient-dense animal foods, particularly seafoods when available. I think all this information together suggests that the optimum, while being a fairly broad range, is a low intake of omega-6 LA (less than 3% of calories) and a modest intake of animal omega-3 for DHA. I believe the most critical element is reducing omega-6 LA by eliminating industrial vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed, etc.) and the foods that contain them from the diet.

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