Updated on August 13, 2015 Rhonda Albom moreRhonda Albom is a homeschool mom, photographer, and travel writer living in New Zealand and sharing the world at AlbomAdventures. What could be more fun for kids than a hands-on science project teaching about digestion that ends by making a poo, Starting with everyday food and adding common household items like dish detergent and vinegar, we take kids step by step through the digestion process.
The project uses a bowl to simulate the mouth, a potato masher for teeth, a blender for the stomach and a stocking for the intestines and anus. In about 30 minutes, they will have studied the digestion process from start to finish, learning and laughing all the way and finally squeezing out a small piece of "poop".
As they play, kids (and parents) answer questions, learn interesting facts and participate in activities. It's all in the name of science! The Encyclopedia of Everything NastyThere's more to gross science than just making poo! I bought this book for my nephew many years ago and he loved it. Did I Gross You Out, No, takes a lot more than this to gross me out!
Does Toilet Water Spin the Opposite Direction Across the Equator, Ever wonder if the toilet water really spins the opposite direction when we cross the equator, Here is the answer, with clear easy to follow images. Do you know how to separate water, Here are the steps to return water to is original form two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen.
What a fun science project! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. LOL - we saw a chimp do that in zoo once. It was pretty funny.
We went to get my daughter out of her crib once and she had seeramd poop ALL OVER and had been eating it. I should have taken a picture, that way when she's old enough to go on dates we can show them to her boyfriend and say You sure you want to be kissing that mouth, This one looks like tons of fun to do with the grandkids.
Some of ours are old enough to enjoy this project. Pinning. I hope it carries over to HubPages in a few days so I can re-pin! MelanieKaren: Thanks for the giggles. Lady Lorelei: I'll bet they love this experiment. It's super fun and very educational. Ha now how could I not visit this article. It sounds like something my grandkids would love to do.
I have a bunch of nieces and nephews that would love this project. I can nearly hear the giggling. LOL, I knew I had been here before! Still a great lens! Looks disgusting BUT educational! This is awesome poop. I'd do this if I had some kids around. What a awesome idea, can't wait to try with my daycare kids, they love talking about poo and the normal bathroom humour. I can't wait to try this in science class!
Gotta try this with the grand-kids! Awesome science project AND awesome lens! Blessed by your Science neighborhood Squid Angel! To be honest, I learned some stuff that I wasn't too too sure of! It's nice to try making poop. By the way, you can read this for additional information. So gross. lol. But it is an excellent project for kids and adults alike.
The project uses a bowl to simulate the mouth, a potato masher for teeth, a blender for the stomach and a stocking for the intestines and anus. In about 30 minutes, they will have studied the digestion process from start to finish, learning and laughing all the way and finally squeezing out a small piece of "poop".
As they play, kids (and parents) answer questions, learn interesting facts and participate in activities. It's all in the name of science! The Encyclopedia of Everything NastyThere's more to gross science than just making poo! I bought this book for my nephew many years ago and he loved it. Did I Gross You Out, No, takes a lot more than this to gross me out!
Does Toilet Water Spin the Opposite Direction Across the Equator, Ever wonder if the toilet water really spins the opposite direction when we cross the equator, Here is the answer, with clear easy to follow images. Do you know how to separate water, Here are the steps to return water to is original form two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen.
What a fun science project! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. LOL - we saw a chimp do that in zoo once. It was pretty funny.
We went to get my daughter out of her crib once and she had seeramd poop ALL OVER and had been eating it. I should have taken a picture, that way when she's old enough to go on dates we can show them to her boyfriend and say You sure you want to be kissing that mouth, This one looks like tons of fun to do with the grandkids.
Some of ours are old enough to enjoy this project. Pinning. I hope it carries over to HubPages in a few days so I can re-pin! MelanieKaren: Thanks for the giggles. Lady Lorelei: I'll bet they love this experiment. It's super fun and very educational. Ha now how could I not visit this article. It sounds like something my grandkids would love to do.
I have a bunch of nieces and nephews that would love this project. I can nearly hear the giggling. LOL, I knew I had been here before! Still a great lens! Looks disgusting BUT educational! This is awesome poop. I'd do this if I had some kids around. What a awesome idea, can't wait to try with my daycare kids, they love talking about poo and the normal bathroom humour. I can't wait to try this in science class!
Gotta try this with the grand-kids! Awesome science project AND awesome lens! Blessed by your Science neighborhood Squid Angel! To be honest, I learned some stuff that I wasn't too too sure of! It's nice to try making poop. By the way, you can read this for additional information. So gross. lol. But it is an excellent project for kids and adults alike.
How Make Food