Making Dog Food

How Make Food
Making dog food is one of the best ways to be sure that your dog is getting all the nutrition that he needs. The problem for many is that they are under the impression that natural dog foods are costly. People also assume it will be time consuming. There are many ways to make your own dog food and stay cost effective and not spend every night in the kitchen cooking for your pet.

You just need to know what to do and how to get it done fast. The first step is deciding whether to go raw or cooked. There is not much to making dog food but you will have to decide what type to make. Raw food is very simple to make and probably the least time consuming if that is an issue. You will not have to spend any time cooking. Raw food must be kept frozen though, to be sure that it does not go bad.

Simply put the correct amount in each freezer bag and store. Each day take out what you plan to use and thaw. Cooked food means you will have to at least cook the meat you intend to use. Time can be saved by cooking whole birds or browning large amounts of ground meat at a time.

You can also store cooked meals in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. That means less freezing if you prefer to make larger amounts at a time. Saving money by making your own dog food is very possible. You can buy the cheapest type of meats. Butchers will have meat at much lower costs than the cuts at your local market. This will allow you to use the correct amount of protein per meal without breaking your wallet. Buying frozen vegetables is the best way to go.

While fresh are easier to work with right away as they are room temperature, thawed frozen veggies have all the nutrients your dog needs and are much cheaper. They can also be stored if you do not use them all without fear of spoiling. To add fiber and fill to your food you can either add rice or oats, both are very inexpensive in large amounts. The fiber portion of the dog food is the highest quantity, so you will find that you will save a bundle. Making dog food saves you more money than you may think.

Many people assume they can run to the local store and buy the cheapest food on the market. Cheap at first is not always cheap in the long run. Cheap dog foods do not have the type of nutrients that most dogs need. The filler ingredients fill dogs' bellies without the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber to keep them healthy.

This makes your dog require more food per day than if you bought a higher quality store bought chow. You end up spending more than you thought. When you buy the high end kibble or wet foods you are spending just as much or more than if you made your own.

There is also still no guarantee that your dog will be able to eat it. Also, dogs fed poor quality food have more vet visits for illness and allergies than dogs that eat homemade foods. Log in or Create Account to post a comment. Publisher: Matthew Bandas Healthy homemade dog food has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many dog owners were put on alert in 2007 when the dog food recall occurred.

They lost faith in the pet food companies and needed a safe and healthy alternative. One option that a lot of them are choosing is making their dog's food themselves. There are numerous healthy, homemade dog food recipes out there, which make this task a lot easier. Publisher: Brad Weston When it comes to dog foods, you need to sit down and decide what is best for your own dog.

Is it the stuff that is bought from the store that comes in a bag with a rich staple of filler, This could save you some money, but is it the best that you can do for your pet you cherish so much, Publisher: Ashish K Arora The dog food that is commercially sold in stores may not be always safe and it is always a good thing to feed your pet with healthy homemade dog food.

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