TenThingsFarm: Frugal Accomplishments

How Make Food
Pictures (which really make me feel like I need to clean my house)! Like everyone else, I love the door swag. Cable ties are my MacGyver item; same with binder clips. Give me both and I can save the day! Last week was terrible. Everything felt like it got turned upside down when we got a considerable amount of snow on Friday and my senior cat had an emergency late in the day. Oregonians don't know how to deal with 7 degree weather and packed snow and ice!

I'm happy to say that my cat pulled through his emergency, against all odds and is back to normal. 810 for after hours care, and a long term plan that involves an OTC drugstore product. Anyhow, my spending log abruptly ends on Monday, but I vaguely remember making rolls on Tuesday and then giving them all away on Wednesday because I didn't like them enough to keep for Christmas. In exchange for all the rolls, my friend took me to lunch on Wednesday (and he liked the rolls).

2 ea. (Okay. That’s enough junk food for a while. 20 reward back. I love this deal because there is no fee on these cards and they can be used at multiple stores. I may use them myself, like I did this summer, or give them away for Christmas gifts.

1/bottle (I’ll stash these for Christmas); free 2 oz contact solution. • Rented a Redbox movie using a free promo code. • Finished Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner. • Ate breakfast for dinner: egg and cheese muffin sandwich with an orange and apple juice. • Completed Staples rebate forms online, saving the cost of an envelope and stamp. • Started planning the Christmas dinner menu to take advantage of sales.

• Made dinner from my stockpile: two small pork loin roasts stuffed with buttered herb crumbs, scalloped potatoes and a quick batch of applesauce from two apples I had in the fridge. Apparently, I’m Peter Brady: can’t eat pork without applesauce. • Sorted and organized my personal item shelf in my linen closet.

Discarded expired items and things I no longer use. I had no less than fourteen contact lens cases (they come free with bottles of contact lens solution)! I saved two and threw out the rest. It took me less than 15 minutes to get the clutter under control on this shelf, and it will allow me to quickly see what I have and what I need so that I can spend my money wisely.

Now, one woman wrote, "What if I don't have Prodijiosa," Okay, take the rhubarb root, and the cascade sagrada. That's okay. Just take those. Let's say that you're short on money. Go to Amazon. Go to my store, which is linked up on the right hand side. There's capsules from cascade sagrada. I think it's from Now.

Okay, it's better than nothing. But it is not the complete chelation package. There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself go to the bathroom. Gotta keep those bowels moving. Why is this important, Because the toxins in your body when you start fasting need to come out. And we want them to come out through the urine or through the poo poo.

If not, it'll come out through the skin. If it starts coming out through the skin, you see rashes and breaking out all over the skin, stop. We do not wan the toxins excreting through your skin. It has to be excreted through your urine and poo poo. Very important. It's very important.

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