The Homespun Heart

How Make Food
I have a fun giveaway - a copy of Moms' Night Out DVD and Blu-Ray two disc set! I wish I could set you each up with your very own night out. A night of beauty, refreshment, peace, nourishment and a transfusion of courage to your weary soul. I would have quilts and comfy places to sit and quiet, flowers and twinkly lights and yummy food that you did not have to prepare.

I would give you a big hug and tell you what a good job you are doing and that, yes, this mothering gig is extremely hard and we are in it together, sisters. While this Mom's Night Out is a bit outlandish - the comic relief is welcome in light of what we know as reality.

Life is messy. It is sticky and germy and noisy and chaotic. It interrupts and changes our plans until we are more flexible than Gumby. Seeing yourself on the big screen is eye opening and touching and poignant all at the same time. It felt like someone "got" me when I watched this movie as I saw myself in Allison SO many times. I have two very, very favorite parts.

Just let that sink in for a minute. The other part that gets me every time is in a police station lobby. A rough looking biker dude named Bones is patiently waiting with Allison for this mess to get straightened out and she goes on and on about how she is not enough. He profoundly and in such a moving way points out that God did not make a mistake by making her the mama of her kids. Yes, I'm not enough for me.

I've laughed and cried during this movie and thought about parts of it for weeks afterward. I am thrilled to send one of you a copy provided in exchange for this review. I'd love to make a visual of all the words that come to your mind when you think of motherhood. Leave one word. Leave more than one word. Whatever comes to mind and you'll be entered. Open to US residents only please. I received two copies of this movie in exchange for writing a review about it. All opinions and thoughts are completely my own. Motherhood. Can't wait to hear your words - go!

The outdoors: I don't know anyone who has seasonal allergies, who spends much time outside during the allergy season. I know from experience just what it's like to have allergies and a compromised immune system. I had never had allergy problems until I was in Austin, Texas and got what they call cedar fever, another words I was allergic to the cedar pollen. I became so sick that I was taken to the hospital because I had stopped breathing because I was so congested.

Anyway, after I got over that I ended up having allergic reactions to everything that pollinates, trees, flowers, bushes, anything. I also found out that my fibromyalgia will trigger sinus infections and what feels like an allergic reaction to something. Because I have four autoimmune diseases my immune system is in a constant state of alert and rarely gets a break. It takes me several months to get over an allergy attack where it would take someone with a normal immune system a couple of weeks. I hope you find this information helpful.

Whoever is holding the item when the music stops (your controlling the music) must reach in and pull out 1 article of clothing and put it on. Continue on until every girl has at least 4 items on. Its hilarious and not to mention a great photo opportunity. Menu: Food in the Hippie Era was all about healthy eating - granola, grains and garden fruits and vegetables.

Give it a modern twist by having bowls of trail mix and 12 grain sun chips for snacking. Fruit Trays and Vegetable Trays would also work great for this theme. A big fad during the 60's and 70's was fondue - both cheese and chocolate. Other food fads, although not as healthy were pigs in a blanket(cocktail wieners baked inside a flaky crust) and macaroni and cheese with a crushed potato chip crust.

For beverages you must serve Coke in a can and Tang of course. You can make a Tang punch by simply adding a bottle of 7-up and frozen fruit for garnish. This era introduced the style of Buffet eating. Put out the food, plates & utensils and have everyone help themselves! For dessert serve a large round cake decorated as a Smiley Face or a Peace symbol. All you need is some food colouring to dye the icing and a steady hand to draw the smiley face or the the peace symbol. Righteous. Can you dig it,

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