The Modern DIY Life

How Make Food
Have you ever seen something that you feel like you could maybe make yourself but your just not sure exactly how you would do it, Or maybe you want a product that doesn't exist or costs too much, Perhaps you want a product that is more sustainable, natural or organic,

Well I do that everyday. Then I spend hours researching and designing just how exactly I would go about making it. So I plan on sharing my DIY adventures and designs with anyone who is interested. Recently, I built my own kitchen island, an entertainment center, and a platform bed using inexpensive wood from my local hardware store!

Then when I wanted to stain and seal the furniture I couldn't really find a sustainable option so I made my own natural wood stain. I love designing these projects and I love the way that the projects improve my life as well. Best of all, I usually save money and resources in the process. Over the coming months I hope to share these plans in hopes that they may help you as well. Some future projects include: making my own pasta sauce, plans for growing food during the winter, worm composting projects and possibly homemade shampoo and facial cleanser. Stay tuned for detailed instructions, pictures, and videos!

If you wish to learn the trick of fast and easy weight-loss and just how to burn fat fast then you will want to check out the Trim Fusion Energy Drink. I have given it a complete check out and I reveal the good points and the bad on my web-site - Follow the next link to visit my burn fat fast review page. Make sure to examine my evaluation now and see ways you can get a limited time cut price trial run.

Your condenser should be cold to make sure it condenses the liquid. One way to do this is to use a Liebig condenser which runs cold water around the outside. This is very important: you should dispose of the first 120mls of your mix. This stuff contains most of the methanol which is dangerous to drink and can make you go blind.

This is called the FOreshots. After this you can monitor your vodka using an alcohol hydrometer to check the ABV of your mix. You might want to throw away some of the mix right after the 120mls as it might not taste so good. You don't want anything less than 30% ABV as this tastes funny too due to fusel oils, these are found towards the end of the distillation and are called "the Tails".

The liquid in between is called "the Hearts" and is the sweet spot of potato vodka. This tastes the best and is the smoothest, purest part. Why not store 100mls at a time and test each batch to monitor the taste and ABV. You also need to make sure there are no leaks whatsoever in your still. This will release alcohol vapor which will fall to the floor. As this builds up it will eventually reach the flame that powers your still - after this, BOOM!

Find any leaks by pouring a colored liquid through it first to find any leaks. After you have distilled it you will have your foreshots, your Tails, and the Hearts, all the good stuff in the middle. Now take your Hearts and distill it all over again to get double distilled vodka, again for triple distilled. Both times you should dispose of the first 60mls again as some foreshots still remain. Eventually you will get the Hearts which are so pure and so tasty - this is your potato vodka.

Check the ABV and water it down to about 40% to get a standard vodka. Enjoy it, but drink responsibly as always! Have you ever made vodka before, No, this is my first time! See results Here's a video of a family who make sweet potato vodka too! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked.

Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thanks Ryan and Mona! It is a really interesting method which can be tweaked for other things like wheat and molasses too. I'm not a huge drinker myself but enjoy the feeling of brewing your own drinks! This is very interesting.

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