This Benefits Of Shrikhand Can Help You Improve Your Health

How Make Food
Shrikhand has been mentioned in traditional writing, which depicts how traditional the sweet dish is. Apart from being just a dessert, it also provides many health benefits to the body. Read to know about the health benefits of this dish and also get to know a unique dessert recipe. As the main ingredient of making shrikhand is milk, the benefits of it are many. It is a traditional enjoyed in parts of India. The product also comes in many flavours like Elaichi, Kesar, Mango, Pista, etc. The health benefits of milk are surely carried on in all its byproducts.

Let’s take a look at the health benefits of shrikhand and the method to make it. There are many evidences about the origin of the word. One evidence suggests that shrikhand is derived from ‘Ksheer’ which in Sanskrit means thickened milk and ‘Qand’ which means sweet in Parsi. This product is mentioned in many writing from kannada dating back to 8th to 10th AD. Now it is a popular dish in the western India, especially in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

15-16 hours. When the curd is set, it is hung in a muslin cloth for around 8-10 hours.after the liquid is drained out, the solid which remains in chakka. This chakka is then mixed with sugar flavour if required. Thus, after this procedure, what you obtain is shrikhand. Some brands like to keep it sweet, whereas some brands give it a slight sour aftertaste. As we have already mentioned, it is a milk product. It contains great amounts of calcium.

Thus, we can say that the product is good for teeth and bones as calcium is known to maintain the health of both. Vitamin B helps to absorb calcium from whatever you consume. Thus, vitamin B intake with calcium is extremely beneficial for the body. Vitamin B is also known to aid digestion and also converts food into energy. The dairy based product is helpful to keep you full longer. It also aids in providing you with a better sleep. As shrikhand is served cool, it may also cool your body during summers.

If you are wanting to gain weight, then this product can surely help. This dairy based product also helps your skin to gain softness and smoothness. It also nourishes and gives you a supple and glowing skin. It also helps to exfoliate your skin. Thus it is very beneficial for your skin. This byproduct of milk helps to keep your hair nourished and removes dandruff from your scalp. Shrikhand is a sweet dish with an amazing taste.

Moreover, desserts help to keep you away from depression. It keeps you happy and content. Experience the taste and enjoy the benefits. Heat butter in a non stick pan and roast vermicelli on medium flame till it becomes brown in colour. Keep on stirring so that it gets evenly roasted. Remove from the flame and add condensed milk.

Take a Silicone cup and put the vermicelli mixture in a cup while still warm. Press it lightly with the help of spoon so that it takes the shape of cup. Then keep the cup in a refrigerator for an hour to set. Take out the Vermicelli cup from the silicone mould and fill chilled srikhand into the vermicelli cups. Garnish with some chopped pista, saffron and some pomegranate. This is a perfect and easy recipe to make yummy cupped dessert. Try it and enjoy it.

They usually resemble common bubbles like those created by soap or shampoo. Froths are usually wet but coarse foams. They are named after the froth that is often on the top of a milkshake or latte. Set foams have had their structure solidified, often through heating or dehydrating. A loaf of bread and a baked souffle are examples. Spanish word for foam and they are usually dense foams. They are always created by a whipping siphon and usually served hot. Meringues and puffs are lighter foams that are often baked or dehydrated to set their structure.

Foams are created primarily by trapping air or gas bubbles in either a liquid or solid substance while allowing both of these to become stable. As mentioned earlier, a mechanical force assists with the introduction of air into the chosen substance. During the process of creating foam, the mechanical force must be greater than the ability of the substance to breakdown in order to increase the surface area.

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