We Went To The New Cheaper Whole Foods

How Make Food
Whole Foods is giving grocery shoppers a major price break with a new line of budget-minded grocery stores, 365 by Whole Foods. Skeptical that my grocery shopping experience could be good in four (!) ways, I visited the first 365 store in New York, located in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, to see what the hype is all about. The first thing a shopper sees when walking into 365, which is, by the way, situated under a shiny new condo building (300 Ashland), is a wall of Amazon Lockers, an eerie reminder that Whole Foods' now-parent company is omnipresent.

A few steps further, and you're standing in a mini-food hall vending smoothies and juices and baked goods by beloved New York bakery, Orwasher's. Past the sweets, a wall of beer taps allows customers to fill pints themselves, though booze is not allowed in the basement of 365, where all the groceries are sold.

Down in the subterranean supermarket, 365 is anything but subtle about its branding of better food for less. Boldly painted, all-caps phrases like "EAT MORE VEGGIES. SAVE MORE GREEN." decorate the produce section, which, on a spring afternoon, was well-stocked with all your standard loose and packaged produce. 4), seemed cheap, and special sales, like 20% off all berries definitely made some higher-end items more affordable. Beyond the produce is the meat section.

Unlike a typical Whole Foods, the refrigerated and freezer cases stood against a wall, rather than being staffed by a butcher. 10.99/pound for a rib eye steak) for high-quality, humanely raised, hormone and antibiotic free meats and there was a nice selection of different cuts and types of meat. 9.99/pound for a farmed salmon filet), though less of a diverse selection than I'd expect at my typical Whole Foods seafood counter.

Still, to stock up on some staples, for a dinner party or to have in the freezer, the proteins in themselves were worth buying here. 9.99/pound. "Artificial preservatives are the pits," reads a sign above all the antipasti. Common nutritional advice suggests shopping the aisles of a grocery store to load up on the freshest food, and 365 plays to this by making almost the entire store, well, aisles.

Pre-wrapped cheeses and boxes of seltzer water and a slew of Trader Joe's-style frozen appetizers and entrees are all displayed in aisle-like setups. 365 is Whole Foods' in-house brand, priced, like any house brand, to be cheaper than its competitor. The biggest misconception about 365 may be that it's a "healthy" grocery store. Sure, there was tempting produce and protein and whole grains and other great things people should it, but there was also a fair share of less-than-nutritional food. I'm talking soda, sugary cereals, desserts and high fat, high sodium frozen dinners.

All of these things may or may not be better than their competitors', ingredients and sourcing-wise, but they're certainly not healthy foods. One pamphlet, near a refrigerated sushi case, shared information about Methylmercury in seafood and listed websites to additional resources, but what would make 365 even more revolutionary would be an attention to education.

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