What Herbs Should I Take On My Fast,

How Make Food
Answer: Any you find appropriate and approved on the Dr. Sebi Protocol. The ideal of a fast is to rid the body of toxins, excess fat and parasites. So all herbs that Dr. Sebi approves of is appropriate. But let's look at what Dr. Sebi did. First he said to drink lots of water and juice. They asked him what kind of juice and he said tamarind and then added that he guess Americans would drink apple juice, but it would give them no benefit. What kind of water can you drink,

Spring of course. There are many types of spring water available. Pick one in your budget and available. My favorite is Fiji water. Fiji is hard to find in Jordan and so I drink a lot of Evian water. Evian water has no sodium. If you do not have spring water then drink water with lime in the water, but never use tap water.

Buy filtered or osmosis water and then add the lime. Dr. Sebi said he took 3 capsules of the Green Food Plus in the morning and he did not need anything else. You can buy Dr. Sebi's Green Food Plus Here. 50 for 90 capsules. The office suggested 4, but Dr. Sebi said 3 and so we will go with what Dr. Sebi said. For those who want to make it on their own, then you can look at article on how to make the Green Food Plus at home. Also he suggest the Bromine Plus Capsules or Powder.

30 at the store. You can buy here. Or make it yourself. Here is my home made bromine plus powder. You mix 50% bladderwrack powder and 50% sea moss powder. For the bromine powder you will need to take 4 capsules a day. 9.60 for 100 grams of sea moss.

6.00 100 grams of bladderwrack. 30. BUT my powder makes 424 capsules. 30 for 90 capsules. 141.33 Now do I have the same quality, Some have said he has better herbs and possible. If you want to save money and make your own, then follow the links below. Here are the some of the approved teas. Make sure you do not buy teas in teabags, such as Lipton.

Buy the herbs and make your own teas and combination teas. What I do is combine teas. You can have Elderberry, burdock and red raspberry and dandelion. I love to make black seed tea. You can add it to any tea above or make it alone. Simply add some black seeds to 1 cup of water and bring to boil for one minute and remove from the fire.

Many Arabs will also add sesame seed to black seed tea. I love dandelion tea with hibiscus tea. It gives it a slight flavor and red tint to the tea. Anise tea is a favorite here for depression and anxiety too. For diuretic you can make some parsley tea and coriander together.

Cascara and Rhubarb Root for detox - no longer than 7 to 10 days. I love this. He takes cascara sagrada, burdock and black walnut leaves. Place the leaves and herbs in a pot and bring the water to boil. Reduce the heat to medium and continue to boil for another two minutes. As long as the products and the herbs and foods are from the approved Dr. Sebi list, you are good.

It's not about the beat (although the bass is awesome, and yes I turn it up), it's not about the melody ('cause there usually ain't a really strong one), it's the WORDS that you hear. In a modern form of poetry, the words rhyme, catch your ear, and you're not swamped by all those extra things like too many instruments.

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