In some cases, the individual will go off their food completely due to the silent pain it causes. This is worth bearing in mind if you have noticed a sudden decrease in appetite or if the elderly person finds it hard to open their mouth. Some medications such as antibiotics have side effects including nausea and loss of appetite. If you suspect that medication is the cause of an eating disorder, seek medical attention and discuss all options with your doctor.
There might be another reason why the individual is feeling unwell so it is important to tackle the problem by a process of elimination. If the individual has swallowing problems for instance, your doctor will quite often refer to the SALT team (Speech and language therapists) who will then offer comprehensive, specialist guidance to make drinking and eating easier. From one carer to another, I can only offer you the very best of luck.
The fact you have read my guide proves that you have an interest in helping another person in need. Other than educating yourself, you can only try your very best. Be realistic of your limitations and accept the help of professionals whenever you need additional support or advice. It is better to seek help than to live a life full of regret if something goes wrong. Having worked in a medical establishment for nearly a decade, I frequently look after people with deadly illnesses such as MRSA and other nasties like Clostridium difficile and Norovirus.
If you have an elderly friend or relative, you will understand how stressful and upsetting it can be to watch them struggle at home. He recovered from that and then had a mild heart attack. He has a strong will to live but has little appetite and seems to force food as he knows he should eat.
Thank you for sharing this information with all. This is very helpful. Thanks for putting your thoughts online. Hello there Mattieg, thanks so much for your feedback, you have really inspired me to create a follow up article containing the information you require, regarding small meals. If you are interested in good quality nutrition, I highly recommend nutritional expert, David Wolfe - he is known for his extensive knowledge in super foods.
In one of his videos, he makes a single smoothie that contains more nutrition than what the average American eats in an entire month! He goes to explain that by juicing and blending your food, you receive high quality nutrition without having to eat lots of heavy meals. This could be really useful if you are looking for ways to consume a well balanced diet, without spending hours in the kitchen. Hope my information proves useful to you.
Someone can talk about feeding the elderly without turning us all into invalids with alzheimers. Thank you. Now, please, can you either illustrate or refer to a page that does illustrate those simple meals that we with smaller capacity for food can eat, I have often thought about six meals a day instead of three large meals but I can't seem to create them so that they add up to a healthy menu. And, please, with recognizable foods. Whatever are Goji berries,
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How Make Food