Fruits, vegetables and spices have a strong pigment which is what makes them perfect for Homemade Food Coloring. This dye isn’t as concentrated as regular dye so you might need to use more. It will work best for dying icing and frostings. For a cake, you will need to add more. Does the All Natural Homemade Food Coloring taste like weird,
You use such small amounts that you won’t taste the fruits and vegetables. Also, they are all quite mild flavored foods, with the exception of the Turmeric. Turmeric doesn’t actually have much taste, it is mostly used for its color. You will notice that this is the strongest homemade food coloring of them all and you only need to use very small amounts to get a strong yellow color.
If you want to make your own colors and expand your color wheel, you can mix two colors together to get a new one or use other fruits and vegetables like carrot juice. If you want to see my All Natural Homemade Food Coloring in action then check out my No-Bake Funfetti Cheesecake Recipe. This gorgeous pink colored cheesecake is all thanks to my food coloring. I like to be able to provided homemade solutions for baking ingredients so be sure to check out my more Bold Baking Basics like my Homemade Condensed Milk recipe and Egg Substitute tips.
Thanks to Leites Culinaria for the great All Natural Homemade Food Coloring recipes. Put good ingredients into your food and get great results out. Beets give you an amazing deep red, almost pink color. It looks beautiful and you don’t get the beet taste. I used Spinach to yield me a green food coloring, however you can use any leafy green that has a rich color. Turmeric is mostly used in cooking to color dishes a bright yellow.
This makes it a great option to make All Natural Homemade yellow food coloring. Ironically, blueberries work so well for Homemade Purple Food Coloring, not blue like you might think. Raising your Bold Baking game by making your own All Natural Homemade Food Coloring! You will be amazed by the results.
2. In a blender or food processor, blend the beets and juice together until smooth. Pass through a sieve to remove the beets and save the beet liquid which is your food coloring. 3. Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator. 5. In a small saucepan, simmer the water and turmeric for 2 to 3 minutes. Allow to fully cool. 6. Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator.
Turmeric can stain, so use a container you don’t mind turning yellow. 8. In a blender or food processor, blend the blueberries and water together until smooth. I like to use frozen berries because they have better color when defrosted. Pass through a sieve to remove the skins and pulp from the mix so you are just left with the purple liquid. 9. Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator. 11. If using fresh spinach, in a small saucepan, simmer the spinach and water for 2-3 minutes.
Don’t cover the spinach as it will dull the green color. If using frozen and thawed spinach skip this step. 12. In a blender or food processor, blend the spinach and water together until completely smooth. Pass through a sieve to remove the leaves. 13. Store your green coloring in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator.
14. Add your Homemade All Natural Food Coloring to icings, frostings or batter. Add more coloring, if necessary. I’m Gemma Stafford, a professional chef originally from Ireland, and I’m passionate about sharing my years of experience to show you how to make game-changing baking recipes with over-the-top results! Join more than 1 Million other Bold Bakers in the community for new video recipes every week! Have you made a recipe, And don't miss my NEW Bold Baking recipes and tips. Sign up for my weekly email newsletter.
How Make Food