4 Powerful Ways To Maximize The Energy-Boosting Benefits Of D-Ribose

How Make Food
[An exclusive interview with George Foss, former general manager of Kayser Nutrition, southern California’s health food store chain to the wealthy and famous for 52 years. George has been called a “walking repository of nutritional supplement research knowledge,” and is a long-time consultant to the nutritional supplement industry. Steve Barwick: George, I understand that today you are going to reveal four simple yet very powerful ways to dramatically maximize the energy-boosting benefits of D-Ribose. We’ll get to that in just a minute.

But first, could you help us understand how D-Ribose helps people regain youthful energy levels - particularly people who suffer from either age-related energy deficit disorders or disease-induced energy deficit disorders, Steve Barwick: What about energy deficit disorders related to aging, George Foss: Well, aging is of course a normal process.

And there is not much we can do about it but take care of our bodies by avoiding toxins and by making sure we get the proper nutrition, hydration and daily exercise our bodies need. Yet even if we are very good at doing these things, we will inevitably suffer from lower energy levels as we age.

In large part, this is because, as we get older, our digestion does not function as well. And without proper digestion, our body is not able to extract the same levels of D-Ribose from food it once could. So there is less D-Ribose to send to the mitochondria for conversion into ATP. Because of this, we slowly begin to lose energy as we age. When D-Ribose is not extracted from the foods we eat and delivered to the cells in sufficient enough quantities to sustain normal everyday bodily functions, we simply begin to slow down.

And quite commonly, fatigue and malaise sets in. But by supplementing with even small amounts of D-Ribose, we can make up for much of that lost energy caused by the normal aging process. The bottom line is that if we can give the cells what they need - in this case, supplemental D-Ribose -- we can maintain a much higher level of daily energy than we could if we did not supplement. This is why so many middle-aged and older folks now supplement each morning with D-Ribose.

Steve Barwick: Well, at 52 years old, I know I use it. And frankly, I wouldn’t go a day without it. So what are some of the best ways to take D-Ribose for its well-known energy-boosting benefits, Steve Barwick: You’re saying there are different ways to take D-Ribose, so as to get more oomph out of it, George Foss: Yes, absolutely.

Take it sublingually. This means you should simply pour it out of the capsule directly under your tongue, and then swish it around inside your mouth so that it coats your cheeks and gums. Do this for several minutes. Another way to maximize your D-Ribose energy-boosting benefits is to take it with a commercial liquid hydration formula, such as Gatorade. Because Gatorade is specifically designed to hydrate the body’s 7 trillion cells, mixing several 700 mg.

D-Ribose into a glassful before drinking it will help draw the D-Ribose directly into the cells very quickly, resulting in a dramatic physical energy boost that simply cannot be achieved by taking D-Ribose with water or other liquids alone. However, insulin dependent diabetics and hypoglycemics should only use this method under a doctor’s guidance and supervision, and blood sugar should be monitored closely, due to the sugars in the Gatorade. You can also dramatically maximize your D-Ribose energy-boosting benefits by taking it with synergistic nutrients. D-Ribose tends to significantly increase the body’s ability to absorb and effectively utilize other nutrients.

By taking it with B-vitamins, such as a good “B-50” formula, which is to say, 50 mg. B-vitamins, you will maximize the beneficial effects of the vitamins by up to 100%. And the vitamins will dramatically extend the beneficial effects of the D-Ribose throughout the day. Other synergistic nutrients that can be taken with D-Ribose for phenomenal energy-boosting benefits are magnesium (200 mg.), malic acid (900 mg.), iodine (200 mcg.), selenium (200 mcg), tyrosine (500 mg.) and vitamin C (500 mg.), to mention but a few.

One of my favorite combinations is 700 mg. D-Ribose taken with 1,000 mg. B-12 in the methylcobalamin form. Finally, a very powerful way to maximize your D-Ribose energy-boosting benefits is to take it from time to time with an immune system booster such as Beta-glucan. Steve Barwick: George, it has been a real pleasure talking with you today.

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