Am I Being Boastful,

How Make Food
367 a person. Heck, I can do one better. 325 a person. Not trying to have a "I'm better" contest or nothing. I applaud them. It just made me realize how little we truly live off of ourselves. I know many people who make 3 or even 4 times as much as we do and they seem to struggle financially worse than we do.

How do we do it, We scrimp and save and we make a serious effort to live off what we have. Am I being boastful, No, I am just sharing what we do in hopes of helping at least one other family get by on what they earn. I know many of you make a lot more and I am glad for you. Our family made a conscientious decision to live on a smaller income for many reasons. Each family must do what they think is right for them.

We are judging no one and hope no one will judge us either. I know people who have a mortgage payment that is more than our take home income. Glad for you but am also glad it is you and not me. First of all, we drive a car that is 15 years old.

It is paid for so we have no car payment. We do not see the need for a newer car when the car we have works just fine for us. This car has driven us from eastern Oklahoma to New Mexico two times and to Galveston, TX there and back. We have had the car for 2 years now and my hubby does all the maintenance on it himself.

As far as insurance goes, we carry the state minimum. Secondly, we do not have television reception (no dish, cable, or nothing like that). We have a Blu-Ray player and that is what we use to watch movies. 35 a month into the budget to purchase new movies (DVD/Blu-Ray) etc. so that is our entertainment allotment per month. 13 so we can actually get a good deal of movies each month to add to our collection. Many people have suggested we use Hulu or Netflix but our internet is capped and we can not do this.

Besides, our family likes to watch movies over and over again so owning the movies on disc works for us. Third, I know soda pop or coffee is a huge amount of money for some families each month. We rarely buy soda or coffee anywhere. If we want coffee, we make it at home. Soda pop, yes we occasionally stop at the store and buy a fountain drink but it is a treat and not an everyday occurrence. We may buy a total of 3 two-liter bottles of soda a month.

The kids and I drink mostly water at home and hubby survives off of coffee. We purchase kool-aid or make iced tea or drink milk too. Eating out: We eat out usually just once-a-month and that is when we do our monthly grocery shopping. We usually stop at McDonald's and we all get a meal. It helps that we live in a small city that has no fast food restaurants in it but even if it did, we still would not eat out much. 20 worth of groceries.

5 buying a 2 liter bottle of soda, a loaf of bread, and a pkg. Same with a meal out. 20 can buy a LOT of groceries and feed your family for several meals. I have received many rude comments about McDonald's should not be considered eating out. It is eating a way from home so it is eating out.

I have heard all the excuses as to why others do not do this but it really helps out. 100 in Walmart gift certificates a year from MyPoints. I get free samples in the mail at least 4 times a week by only requesting them. Some samples are for full size products.

9.00 worth of bacon or lunch meat. It IS worth your time to do these things. If you smoke, quit smoking or buy loose tobacco and roll your own. You can save yourself and your family a LOT of money. 15 and the bag lasts him a full month. That switch saved our family a LOT of money. Yes, I know smoking is bad for him.

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