How Does Eating Junk Food Make It Easier For Me To Bruise Easily,

How Make Food
We all love eating potato chips, candy and other things that are bad for us, but can eating junk food be contributing to your easy bruising, The truth of the matter is that when you look down and see a bruise that you don’t remember getting, there may be more at play than immediately meets the eye. Easy bruising can be linked to vitamin deficiency and poor eating habits, and this is where eating too much junk food comes in.

Food that provides plenty of calories that provide no benefit to you and your body’s systems are appropriately named junk food. You need to evaluate how many foods that you are eating that provide no actual benefits for you. If you make this evaluation, you’ll readily see why your body’s self-healing processes may be inadequate.

Before we evaluate what junk food may be doing to our body, we need to determine what actually causes the bruising to occur. As we grow older, our skin becomes less elastic and more fragile, and our capillary walls become more delicate. With age our capillaries become more susceptible to breakage; and when they break, blood collects beneath the skin. Unlike a cut, where blood flows out onto the skin, blood pools below the skin when a capillary breaks creating a bruise.

To reduce bruising we need to first help any broken capillaries to heal, and then we need to strengthen them so that they become less likely to break at all. This is where junk food ties into the problem with bruising easily. Your body’s nutritional resources are getting depleted when you are eating too much junk food.

There is no junk food out there that is going to give you the iron, the vitamin C or the vitamin K that you need. Instead, all they are going to give you are simple sugars. Simple sugars give your body a momentary high that can get you over a rough patch, but then comes the drop, which is also known as a crash. A sugar crash leads to you feeling grumpy and tired, and possibly looking for another burst of energy.

Vegetables and whole grains are some of the foods that contain complex sugars, which are much better for you because they are absorbed by the body slower giving you a more sustained energy boost without the crash later. Complex sugars are a much better choice for a diet that is going to promote your good health. Just because you feel full after eating junk food doesn’t mean that you’ve taken in anything that is good for you. Too much junk food might even serve as a trigger for diabetes, if there is a family history for the disease.

You don’t need to be a sufferer of diabetes to bruise easily, because you’ve just learned that you can become prone to easy bruising through eating too much junk food. You should consider writing down everything that you eat for a few days or a week and then evaluate exactly what nutrients are missing from your existing diet, and what nutrients are as they should be. How is your diet going to affect the way that you eat and the bruises that you pick up,

Eating right might be one of the keys to getting rid of that persistent bruising that you have been experiencing. Even if you eliminate junk food from your diet, you should really consider adding the daily Bruises Be Banned supplement program to your daily routine. This unique, all natural blend of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals can help you stop bruising completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the only author to have authored an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising.

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